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Ron Pov

After classes and dinner we went back to our dorms to do homework and etc.

Me and Harry are sitting in front of each other playing a round of chess (which I am clearly winning) with Hermione doing her homework.

"So what happened in transfiguration today Ron?' Hermione ask glancing at me from her scroll. Harry stops too and looks at me curiously.

"Ah it's nothing I just found it when I was younger." I say nervously.

"Really" Hermione says curiously "how old were you?"

"I was younger like 8 maybe I just had remembered it and that's why."

"Ok Ron well I'm going to bed good night."

"Night" me and Harry echo.

"We should go to bed too Ron" Harry says

"Yeah sure let's finish the game first. "

He grumbles and groans "but I'm going to lose anyways Ron "

"Still let's finish" and 3 moves later I had successfully captured his queen

"Ugh I hate this game so freaking much " Harry complains

"Because you suck" I retort

Harry sighs and gets up "come on mate let's go to bed I'm exhausted."

"Me too plus isn't the first challenge soon?".

He groans "don't remind me I might stay up worrying ."

"Sorry Harry."

"It's fine let's just sleep".

We both run up the stairs and lay down after changing into our pajamas.

"Night Harry

"Night Ron"

10 minutes later I hear soft snoring coming from him and I get up.

"Alex " I whisper and he appears

"Hello my love ready to go?"

"Of course " I reply in my normal tone..

I reach out and grab his hand and the scenery changes quickly to the beautiful scene of my home .

It always surprises me but it will never get old.

Alex chuckles and grabs my hands to pull me up into a standing position.

"Come on let's get to work on making you a god"

"I thought we were gonna carve ruin into my wand?"

I ask curiously because that's what he said during class

"Well I realized if we were gonna make you a god why do we need to carve a ruin. It's just a waste of energy."

"Your the god of magic and it's a waste of energy?"

"Hey! I am very lazy I have you know!"

I stare blankly at him for a second before breaking out into giggles.

After a couple of minutes I look up wiping the tears from my eyes only to see him staring at me softly.

"So if I'm gaining my godly powers today are we getting married?"

He nods "yup" he's says popping the p

"So how we doing this?"

He appears right behind me and hugs me from behind while holding my waist.

"I have invited Horace and Ra to watch and be our witness. They aren't physically here just watching."

I release a sigh of relief. I really don't want to meet the other Gods. My great aunt has told us enough horror stories to last a lifetime about the other Gods. The only god she spoke good of was Alex because he's our family patron god. 

He senses my unease. "Don't worry they won't visit you at all. Spouses born mortal arent invited to our meetings at all."

"Good" I say quietly and we walk into our little house.

"What do we do?"

He clears his throat before answering. "Well usually it a week ceremony but I would rather not keep you for a full week.

"Oh so what do we do? "

"This ceremony is 5 minutes we say our vows and kiss and you start gaining godly power."

I clear my throat. "What type of godly power?"

He hums "well you could either be a god with no power, have the abilitys of a minor god or have the same power as your spouse which is very unlikely "

"Why?" I ask simply because I'm curious

"Mortal bodies may not be able to handle it and almost no mortal has the potential or power to get the same amount of power there spouse has."

"What do you think I'll get?"

He smiles "you'll find out but I have a hunch. Now shall we begin?"

"Sure" I say nodding with uncertainty

He puts his hand on my cheek to calm me down and in his eyes I see him saying. Calm down it's just me and you.

I blush before he hands me a paper with instructions .

I read through it before we start and we soon begin

"I Ron Weasley of the Weasley clan and as a descendant of the prewitts."

"I thoth god of magic a member of the ennead subject of horus"

"Take this god "

"Take this mortal man"

"To be my husband"

"To be my goddess"

"For all eternity"

"For all eternity"

And together we said.

"May Ra watch over us" and it was over with except one last part.

"You ready for the kiss Ron?"

I scoff and I push his head down and I kiss him myself. He's surprised for a second but quickly kisses me back  .

After a minute I let go and he chuckles and smiles softly. As I am about to return it a burst of flames hits me from inside and I fall to the ground on me knees in pain.

"Ron!" I hear Alex yell and he comes to my side."

"It burns"

,"Shit what's happening!?" He's says next to my side trying to get me up as I scream in pain.

He puts his hand on my chest and pales before picking me up and running to the medical room.

He drops me there while panicking and starts making a circle .

I whisper weakly "what are you doing?"

"Helping you your mortal body cant handle the power."

"Oh that sucks " I laugh weakly and cough at the burning feeling.

"It's going to be fine Ron "

I cough and laugh. "I know because I am in your hands and I know with you nothing bad will happen. And my eyes close

Gods of Magic love the youngest Weasley sonWhere stories live. Discover now