The day they all need but is never shown

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"Ron wake up. Ron wake up. RON WAKE UP!" The voice yells. "Wha?" I look to the side and see it's Harry.
  "Ron wake up we got to meet Hermione downstairs to go to breakfast."

"Oh um yeah give me a moment". I stretch my arms out and yawn as Harry leaves the room to go meet Hermione.

I get up and go to the showers. I let the freezing water hit me as I think about last night.

Bloody hell I'm engaged to a god! Why is this happening to me I'm not the main character at all that's Harry and Hermione!

I think back to his golden eyes. They were beautiful brighter than pure gold. No I need to stop. Think about saving your friends. He will call me or summon me or whatever when he needs me.

I slap both my cheeks with my hands to stop my blush and I get dressed.

After I get ready I make my way to the common room where Hermione and Harry are waiting for me. It seems like they are talking about their homework aka Hermione is asking Harry if he has it done and he says no.

I make my way down stairs and speak up. "Hey guys"

Hermione looks at me and glares "Ron it's late why didn't you wake up earlier?".

I chuckle and think of a quick excuse. "I didn't sleep well that's all".

Her face soften for a second then changes back to her glare. "Fine but please try to sleep better"

"Hermione leave Ron alone he's just tired this morning ok"

She sighs "Fine harry now let's go eat. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day".

I grumble just wanting to go back to sleep but I ultimately follow. We go in silence to eat out breakfast. Today is one of our good days where we don't talk about life threatening events. We just act like kids.

Our problems are still on our minds but we don't talk about it.

We make our way to breakfast and I start scoffing down food. Staying up most the night certainly tires you out. I ignore the back thoughts to think about thoth and focus on my food.

I hear Harry Seamus and Dean get into a conversation about football what ever that is while Hermione reads her book.

I sometimes wonder how we became friends from how different we are. Hermione doesn't need friends ,Harry has lots of people wanting to be his friend and I have no friends but I crave friendship.

I guess that's how we became friends. Being totally different brought us together.

Anyways I finish my peaceful eggs and bacon breakfast and we all get up ready to go to classes.

Most classes I Dazed into thoughts 'is my choice the right one? Will I be happy? Will I save everyone' are the thoughts that most commonly roamed in my head rent free.

I sigh as I get up and follow Hermione and Harry. It's quiet like always on these types of days. Hermione created them as a break from our harsch reality to protect our sanity. It's always quiet because we like to just enjoy ourselves.

As we sit through all our classes and take notes;well only Hermione does; I doze off from time to time once getting awaken by McGonagall with a 5 point deduction.

"You good mate" Harry ask. "you seem very tired". I yawn "yeah I'm good Harry just didnt get much sleep last night that's all. "ok then "

I hate lying to Harry but what am I supposed to say. 'oh Harry I summoned a god and we got engaged and we are gonna have kids and I'm gonna become a god. Also I can see the future'.

I'm pretty sure that will freak all of my friends out. Especially Hermione since she was raised on that Muggle deity known as Tesus or something. I dont know but I'm pretty sure it starts with a J.

Walking out of the final class of the day was great. I was so tired. "I'm skipping dinner guys sorry I'm so tired night". They stare at me with worry. "Sure Ron" Hermione replies "but are you ok".

I laugh sheepishly. "Yeah I'm good. Night ". Harry replies back nervously "Night I guess".

I run to my dorm and lay down. There's nothing better than the feeling of this bed right now. Before fall asleep I get up and change my clothes.

I tuck myself in and close my eyes. I fall asleep without dreams.

I don't know how much time passed but I soon woke up to a gleaming light way to bright to be my dorm.

"Hello Ron" . Fuck it's him.

I groan "Let me sleep more thoth I'm too tired. "

He smiles softly with kind smile. "Im sorry Ron but we have things to talk about."

I groan "ughhhh let me sleep please I don't care where".

"Ron we have things to talk about pleas-" I get down to the floor and lay down.

"What are you doing Ron?". I chuckle a serious one. "sleeping what else night see you later.

(It's currently 12 and writing him tired is making me tired)

I close my eyes and I fall asleep. I wake up on  a soft pillow. "Didn't I fall asleep on my bed".

I look up and see it's thoth. Hes wide awake and I'm on his lap. "Morning Darling~"

I shriek and get up from his lap. I turn very red at the idea of sleeping on him.

"Before you apologize don't apologize it's gonna get Annoying. I let you sleep in my lap it's totally ok".

I stare at him Again. "it's fine I guess so what did you wanna talk about Thot".

"Well the other Gods want this marriage to happens as soon as possible because we will have the first demigod in generations."

I sigh. I'm done with this I'm going back to asleep

Gods of Magic love the youngest Weasley sonWhere stories live. Discover now