3 Months

41 2 0

Everything is sore when I wake up. I groan but don't move. I would rather not move at all and go back to sleep but I hear the door slam open.

"Ron!" I hear Alex yell and I wince at his tone. Alex seems to noticed because he goes to a whisper.

"Are you ok how are you feeling !?" He puts his hand gently on my forehead and I groan.

"I feel really sore Alex" I rasp out.

He kisses my forehead lightly. "I know baby I'm sorry I didn't know it was going to be so much power."

I nod slowly. "How long have I been out Alex?"

I see him wince and turn around . "It doesn't matter what matters is that you get better . "

I raise my voice a bit higher but it still hurts my throat and my voice is still raspy. "How long Alex?" I say seriously and he looks down guilty.

"3 months my dear. "

I gasp. "3 months in here or the real world?" I ask cautiously.

"3 months real world 3 years here. I made time to faster so it's less time in the real world. "

I panic. 3 months means I missed the ball and no one knows where I am. "shit does anyone know I'm missing or did you put some sort of clone out there of me?"

"It's impossible for me now. Back when you were human I could make dolls but now that your a god I can't make it so your officially missing in the mortal world."

Missing rings around my head as Alex sits next to me. I have missed so much.

"What happened Thoth?". I say using the name I only use when I am serious.

"You took more power than expected and you collapsed because of power influx. it would usually take more time but because of your families history with me it's took way shorter than usual."

I look around in a daze. "I have .....  missed so much." My voice goes softer.

He gives me a sad smile. "I'm sorry this happened Ron I didn't expect it to happen so fast. "

"It's ok Alex not your fault please don't blame yourself. "

" No it's my total fault. I didn't warn you of the potential consequences and I didn't give you time to talk to your family about why you might be missing. "

I shake my head side to side. I know Alex and he is feeling guilty right now. "Alex it was my decision to do this so soon plus now I have an excuse to not go back for a while."

His head turns to the side. "Why would you not want to return for a while? Don't you have your friends and family?"

"I do but- ugh" my vision blurs as a major head ache comes. One that comes when I am about to get a vision .

"Ron, Ron are you ok?!" Alex runs at me but I stop him.

" It's a vision it's ok." He nods slowly and soon everything fades away.

Soon I see the vision of the final battle appear again and it's me, Hermione and harry.

I walk closer to hear the conversation.

"It's all been good you don't need me Harry and Hermione you both survived up until this point with everyone living just fine " my future self says.

"You haven't needed me at all until this battle and I applaud at that ."

Harry and Hermione both looking way older have their eyes glossy with tears.

"Don't go Ron. We will always need you don't leave us." Harry begs

My heart clenches.

"I have no need to be in the mortal realm again unless to protect my family. "

Hermione sobs and grabs at my future selfs sleeve "don't go Ron I love you. "

My future self shakes his head. I'm sorry I don't feel the same my heart belongs to another. You'll find someone else don't worry ."

"Please" she whispers in one final try to beg me to stay.

My future self disconnects her from his sleeve. "No I have a family now . I'll see you one day again don't worry I'm not dying I'm immortal you know."

"I know" future Harry says. "Go Ron he with your family."

My future self nods and future Hermione sobs louder. "Don't let him go please harry help me convince him stay!"

"Hermione we can't make him stay. " He walks towards Hermione and holds her up.

"Say hi to the kids for me please Ron ."

My future self nods. Future Hermione gets out of future Harry's grip and runs forwards and kisses future me.

If this was before I met Alex I would be over joyed but now I love him.

My future self pushes her off roughly. " Stop this Hermione. "

"But but " my future self interrupts her. "No Hermione whatever Dumbledore has told you about us being destined to be together is a lie. Now good bye everyone."

Everyone surrounds him to thank him and to our close friends say good bye.

He smiles one last time before turning my way as everything stops. "You are going to be happy don't hesitate stay with Alex so you can protect them when they truly need it."

I nod and he beams. "Good bye" he says and the vision ends .

I wake up and look through the window to see it's night and I yawn. I look to my side to see the sleeping form of Thoth.

I sigh and pat his head to wake him up.

"Mhmhm Ron?" Alex says getting up.

"Hey Alex"

"Hey are you ok? "

"I'm good actually in fact I'm feeling great."

"Really so your ok?" He grabs my hand and squeezes it.

"I'm fine Alex don't worry. "

He shakes his head "I still very much worry. When should I take you home?"

I smile. "I'm not going home Alex."

His eyes open in surprise. "Why not dont you have your family and friends to protect?"

I stand up and wrap my arms around him "I know they will be fine plus don't we have our marriage duties to complete?"

He smiles widely

Authors note - so sorry about not updating for a bit I was going to last night but when I had like 50 words left (I'm a sucker for word count it has to be 1000) I passed out but here it is plus I have been stuck on new headcannons

My head

Mhmhm Pantalone

Mhmhm Cyno

Mhmhm Fatui Harbingers

Mhmhm Pantalone and Cyno

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