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I step back and look at him. "you can't be serious"

He smiles and his eyes shift colors from a gold to a blue and back to gold.

"Why would I be joking Ron. I want a wife, you want the power to defend your family it's a win-win situation."

I stutter as the blush on my face grows. "No way your like a thousand years older than me you know and and your a god I'm a mortal."

He smirks and he grabs my waist. "I'm immortal age doesn't matter and I currently look to be around your age. Also it's quite easy to make a mortal a god and your a Weasely, you are under my domain already."

This could be a good idea. I need the power and he's the only one who could give it to me. But getting married to him is a horrible idea. I don't know what it means to be a god.

"Could we hold off on the marriage thing for a while if we do this?"

He pushes up his glasses and pops his mouth "Nope needs to be immediate for this to work. And you can't leave me and all the stuff that comes with a marriage need to be done too".

"And what does that include Thoth?" I ask looking at the slightly taller than me God with a blank stare.

"Well the ceremony,making love,having kids-"

"WHAT The FUCk! That's what it means having kids, having sex- "

"Making love Ron"

"Yeah whatever but I'm a minor and a guy come on!?"

He clears his throat. And smirks "in Egypt your of age to be married and I'm a god I can do a lot and LGBTQ is perfectly acceptable"

My entire face turns into a tomato. Before he puts his warm comfortable-no stop hand on my shoulder. "It can be good Ron you can gain immortality and the power to save your friends".

... I could save my friends and change the future I could do it. I can't do this though I don't know how he will help me and if we truly win the war. Just as I was about to answer a vision comes to me.

I look around and see my friends all celebrating at Hogwarts in the middle of the rubble. I always see the same place but instead of it being sad it's happy.

I look to the side and I see Ginny,Fred and George run up to the me in the vision. That me is older with the same red head and everything but when he turns to Ginny. I see something different. He has golden eyes.

I look and see Percy,bill,Charlie and my parents walking up to me again joking around and having a good time. Hell even Percy is joking.

It's a happy ending. I see Sirius Remus and Harry in a big hug pile with Sirius and Remus.. kissing!? I didn't even know they were together. Plus wasn't Sirius supposed to die!?

I looked around and I realized something. 'this is the future I can have if I accept Thoth's deal'.

The vision clears and I see thoth right in front of me. "Eep!" I step back face red from how close he was.

He smiles. "I see you had a vision Ron. What was it?"

I stutter "well um fuck well if I agree thoth the future I want to happen will happen". He smirks "what else Ron" he steps closer to me and grabs my waist. My face turns even redder. "Everyone who was supposed to die doesn't die".

"What else Ron" he whispers into my ear holding me close. "Umm well we live happily with Voldemort defeated"

He whispers into my ear. "so what's your answer Ron?"

My face is pretty much a tomato at this point. I mean the hottest guy I've ever seen is so close people would get suspicious.

I whisper back "yes"

He grins "Good my new love now off you go I can only keep you here for a limited time". He kisses me very quickly and it goes dark again.

When I can finally see again I'm back in the library at the same time I left. Late at night. I remember the kiss and I put my fingers on my lips. The kiss was soft.

I hear a noise of a cat and that means filch so I close the book and start running as silently as I can to my dorm with the book in my hand.

I make it to the sleeping Gryffindor Portrait the Fat Lady and I say the password. "Swords"

She startles awake and opens the door while shes still half asleep. I make my way in to the empty common room and I tiptoe to my dorm.

There I see the sleeping figures of Harry,Neville, Dean, and Seamus. I change into my pajamas and lay down and I think.

'what have I gotten myself into. Fuck I'm engaged to a god now. Fuck I need sleep it's so late'

I can't in the end because my mind goes back to the future I saw. We are all happy even I am. Is that possible though. I get married to a man I don't love but I'm happy? How?

And everyone else is happy. Sirius and Remus are both alive. It seems like teddy is non existent from there no being Nymphadora and Remus marriage.

It seems more like Remus and Sirius have taken up the parent roll for Harry.

Ah I don't fucking know these are just assumptions. For all I know Charlie might end up gay for Snape. Hah that's funny thankfully it'll never happen.

I yawn and I stop thinking about the future deciding to think about the now which is I wanna sleep.

I close my eyes and I feel the nice darkness take me over. But before it fully does his eye color flashes and I fall asleep.

Author note- even after I say never again I did it again. I made a 1000 words chapter. I think I'm just stupid at this point.

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