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It was warm and comfortable when I woke up. I felt shaking but I didn't want to move and cuddled into the warmth.

"Darling wake up" I heard a familiar voice say and I immediately pop up.

My face is red as I look at Thoth. I clear my throat.

"Thoth.... I'm sorry for sleeping on you. " He chuckles "it's fine your my fiancee aren't you."

I blush profusely. "Don't call me that please " he chuckles and pulls me close to him.

"Why not darling ~" I turn inhumanly red. "Let go of me pervert!"

He chuckles "why I don't think I would like to do that love."

I glare and push him off me and stand up. I'm still in the same dimension as before. "How long has it been since I've been asleep?".

He stands up. "Time works differently. I can slow down time or make it faster based on what I want. That's why it seems like no time passed in your dimension. It's been 2 hours in your dimension and 8 hours here since you feel asleep".

So that's why. Hermione would love the ability to study as much as she wants with out having to only have a certain amount of time. I better never show her this place.

"Ok then so yesterday you talked about our marriage?"

He nods "the others including our 'dearest leader' hourus is really wanting a new demigod soon."

I blush because of the fact we have to have kids together. "Why so soon?"

He looks to his side not meeting my eyes. "Well darling a birth of a demigod means something bigs gonna happen. Unlike most pantheons we Egyptian Gods can only have one child until we all have children. I'm one of the few to yet have a child because I've refused to. Now they have a excuse to have a new demigod"

I stare blankly at him as he looks back at me." What the fuck. I'm not a demigod maker. Why didn't you have any children before!" Are you dumb!?"

He grabs my chin and lifts my head up. "Well darling I was waiting for the perfect person. And that person happens to be you". He says smoothly

My face turns red at his words. I push his hand away "Sh-shut up Thoth geez!'

He smiles"you don't have to call me Thoth give me a new name just for me and you."

I think for a second and it comes "Alexander or Alex for short."

He looks at me curiously"why Alexander love ?"

"Don't call me love. And it means Protector. You'll protect me and help me protect my friends right"

He nods and smiles. His smile seems to beam. "Of course my love ". He comes and hugs me from behind my back.

"Now that you've accepted the proposal why don't you change this pocket dimension?"

"You sure Alex I don't have too?".

He hugs me tighter and lets me go. "This is your new home my queen. It should fit to your taste. "

I look all over the room and close my eyes and imagine the feeling of home.

Warmth of love going around, everyone laughing and having fun, eating good food, spending time with all my siblings, hugging and kissing my parents, going outside to the warm Scotland air . Being with harry and Hermione. That's home

I open my eyes and my jaw drops. It's a small cabin like home enough for 4 people. There's a garden on the right with a forest and a stream on the far left . There's flowers everywhere.

The sun's shining and the animals are running around.

I feel Alex hugging me from behind and he whispers. "your home is certainly homey. I love it darling".

I blush. "Thanks Alex" and I turn around and hug him back. He may look my age but he's still quite taller than me.

"Hm" is all he says and he picks me up bridal style and brings me into the cabin.

The inside is cozy. I can't describe it but it's very warm.

(I can't describe the perfect feeling of home and how it looks so I'm leaving that to you readers so you can truly understand how Ron is feeling (⁠◠⁠‿⁠◕⁠). )

He takes me into the master bedroom passing a couple of bedrooms smaller and meant for smaller cuter people.

He drops me into the bed and lays down right behind me. "I love you Ron".

I don't answer because of his warmth and how tired I suddenly feel I fall asleep but before I go to sleep I ask him one thing.

"Will you be here when I wake up?"

"Of course darling now sleep I'm here".

Hm I close my eyes and fall into sleep.

I wake up suddenly and I'm back into my Hogwarts bedroom.

I'm oddly disappointed after I look around and see only my sleeping friends.

He promised he would be here why isn't he here.

I bring my knees to my face and rest my head there. It's just a delusion of something I can never have huh. A mere dream. I should be disappointed in my self for believing him.

I lay back down but I feel something next to me. I yelp but my mouth is covered.

"Sh it's me Alex"

He lets go of my mouth and I angrily whisper. "where were you!?"

"Your friend Harry woke up had to teleport you back . Dont worry I'm invisible to everyone else".

I look at him before I turn red and look down. "Are you gonna be here still?".

He chuckles "of course darling I promise like before".

"Ok then...."

As Im about to close my eyes he stops me . "Say it back"

I look at him confused "say what back?'

"I love you".

I blush and caress his cheek. " I love you too Alex " and I kiss him on his forehead before turning around and going to sleep. It was a peaceful night after that.

Author note- did I write 2 1000 word chapter in one day with out any pre worked on. Yes I did. Did I create 2 new books? Yes I did

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