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Ron Pov

It was morning and I was being shaken awake by Harry again.

"Ron wake up"

I groan and cover my head when I hear another voice speak.

"Love wake up"

I pop up and look side to side only to see Harry looking at me weirdly. "Mate you good?" He ask

I shake my head "yeah I don't know why I did that sorry Harry"

He smiles "it's fine now get dressed we have breakfast and we have to find out what we are going to do for the first challenge."

"Ok let me get dressed meet you downstairs k".

"Yeah sure see you downstairs ". Harry walks out of the dorm leaving me alone.

I look up and see Alex floating above me. "hey darling " he says.

"Alex what are you doing here?". I look at him  oddly.

"Well until you we get married and you get your godly powers you need protection which I can give. Can't have my future wife get into danger now can I?".

I sigh "don't call me your wife and can anyone see you?".

He pops his mouth. "Nope I'm just like a ghost nobody can see. Sure my presence can be sensed by powerful people or people related to the pantheon but nobody can see me. Not even ghost!"

I sigh "so I'm stuck with your presence all day."

"Yup" he says cheerfully and floats around. "Your dorm seems quite small huh".

I get up and start getting my clothes to get dressed. "It fits me and my dorm mates so it's fine."

He hums and I enter the bathroom and get dressed. I walk out in my usual raggedy uniform.

"What are you wearing why is your uniform so disgusting?!" He looks at it in disgust.

"Well Alex my family isn't rich, in fact we are the poorest pure blood family in England!"

He looks exasperated"how your family was so rich and successful!?".

"I don't know it just happened ok now lets go ".

He stops in front of me and pushes me back. "Nu uh I may hate Hogwarts with a passion but I refuse to let you go out there looking like that. Especially with other schools here too."

With a snap of my fingers my uniform was immediately rejuvenated and looking better than it ever has.

"Woah". I say looking at myself and my new uniform.

"Yeah can't have my future wife looking like that now come on you better go your friends are waiting are they not?"

I look down again and I walk down stairs . "Now we can't speak aloud Alex says one last time so if you want to reply to me when we talk use your thoughts ok".

I merely nod as we had just entered the common room.

"Hey Ron- oh did you get a new uniform?" Hermione asks clearly surprised?

It takes me a second but I come up with a quick answer "my dad got a raise so my parents sent me a new uniform after I complained about my old one."

That was a good answer right?

"Oh ok good for him" Hermione says and she turns a bit red and turns away. Harry looks at me and gives me a thumbs up.

What's up with that I wonder. Is she sick? Why did Harry give me a thumbs up?

I look to my side and see Alex glaring at both of them. "Ron please I know they are your friends but do me a favor and stay at least 1/2 a foot away from her."

I look at him confusingly but give a quick mind reply. "Sure I don't know why though...."

"Just do it" and he floats around me

I shrug before Harry speaks up. "let's go to breakfast now ok?"

We both nod before we start going downstairs. "What do you both think is going to be the first round?" Harry asks.

"It's probably not going to be that dangerous considering it's a game for students ".

I speak up "I think it's gonna be dangerous considering this game has killed students before. Why do you think it was disbanded for a while?"

Harry pales a bit and Hermione glares. "don't be like that Ron Harry's already in a panic!" She raises her hand to hit my head but it never touches.

It stays a bit raised. "She ain't going to touch you" Alex says glaring and clearly enraged.

Hermione doesn't seem to notice that it didn't touch me because she moves her hand away. "Sorry Harry " I simply reply still surprised but it being stopped.

'thanks Alex '

He softens his face "it's no problem I will never let her hit you again".

I smile a bit but not enough to be noticed by my bickering friends.

"Stop fighting now let's go eat breakfast ". Harry says and we continue walking talking about random things.

I feel Alex's soft hand on my shoulders while we walk. I blush a little.

We walk in and I see that people are still gossiping about Harry. I see him nervously sweat drop. "It's all good mate". I put my hand on his shoulder and he smiles. We make our way to the Gryffindor table and sit down. We are the only table with only Hogwarts students left.

The other one 3 tables have the Beauxbatons kids and the Durmstrang kids. I guess they really want to avoid Harry.

We sit down and start eating breakfast. I look to my sides and I clearly see the space the others have left us with. Of course I'm thankful because that's enough space for Alex to sit.

He sits down next to me as Harry and Hermione start eating and chatting.

"Hey love so the Triwizard tournament is happening huh. I remember it used to be very popular but i see why it was cancelled. It was very dangerous."

'the gods watched the past Triwizard tournaments?'

I say in my head very surprised. "Of course we may hate Hogwarts but it was very entertaining and we always cheered the other schools on."

'huh' I say and I go back to eating  unaware of the eyes watching me very closely.

Author note- listen I've been bored enough to write 1000 word chapters in one day. This update schedule will also not continue when school starts again.

Merry Christmas 🎄⛄ and please comment.

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