New spells

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Ron Pov

After breakfast we start making our way to class. Our first class is transfiguration and I'm really not looking forward to it. It's a boring class that I really want to not do. Using a wand to do anything has never been my thing.

We sit down in our usual seats and McGonagall walks in. "Morning Students today we shall be transfiguring a feather into a pillow for our assignment today."

She brings out her wand and flicks it and a feather appears on our tables.

Everyone brings out their wand as the professor gives us the instructions.

"Now listen carefully everyone. Flick your wand in a Counter Clockwise way and bring it down 90 degrees -"

Alex who is next to me speaks up. "ugh this is so simple what's with Wizards and over complicating everything " he complains.

I send him my thought. "What do you mean over complicating things?"

He continues and I look at McGonagall to make sure I look like im paying attention.

"Well before all this spell things the first wizards could just say a word or do one gesture to get a spell. Over the years magic got weaker and weaker due to the muggle borns having new ideas and weakening proficiency to magic. That's why the original bloods try not to marry into muggle borns in the beginning. Now they have some crazed idea that magic will disappear if they don't marry pure."

I frown and look at him with a glare. "don't be mean to muggle borns. And how do they lower proficiency to magic?"

He smiles. "I'm glad your paying attention to someone who actually knows there stuff. It's a fact that the more time you spend with someone who can't do magic the more your magic proficiency lowers and it will never recover. That's why they prefer not to spend time with Muggles and marry muggle borns because the magic proficiency falls."

Huh I've learned more about magic and it's origins with him than I've ever learned with anyone. Well he would know considering he made magic .

"That's very cool Alex though it's ok to marry muggle borns ."

He nods. "Yeah of course I blessed them with magic for a reason now you should pay attention. "

"Huh what do you mean-"

"Mr Weasley 10 points for not paying attention to instructions " McGonagall says.

I turn back quickly and see her glaring at me with the other Gryffindors glaring at me.

I immediately try to fix my mistake. "I was paying attention Professor."

She glares harder and retorts back. "Really then Mr. Weasley please change your feather than."

I look around in a panic and see Harry whispering "good luck mate"

I snort and a voice comes. "You aren't equipped to this yet I'll fix your wand later for this but tap the feather and say Corren Miro"

I nod and I whisper "Corren Miro" and immediately the feather changes. Everyone looks at me in surprise and internally I'm celebrating.

McGonagall quickly clears her throat. "Well than I guess you earn 15 points Mr Weasley. 10 for the points you earned back and 5 for changing it back first try. "

I smile and see Hermione and Harry looking at me in confusion. I mouth later to them and they nod and get to the feather.

I breath out a sigh of relief. "Thanks Alex for the help."

"No problem love until you become a God I will teach you the ancient easier ways because you have very pure blood and it should be easier. When we get back to our dimension I'll carve a ruin into it to make it easier.

I don't really pay attention because my mind stops at Our Dimension. It's really real. I'm getting married and now I have a fucking dimension that is meant to be my home . How life has changed.

"-ron Ron you good?" I hear and I look up and see Alex right in front of me face. I hold back a yelp and my face turns red at the closeness.

"Hey you ok? The class is about to end."

I turn to the side. "Yeah I'm fine now let's go." I say back and he looks closer to my flushed face and smirks.

"Aww is my love getting flustered because of moi? It's ok no need to hide it I love you too."

My face turns redder. "Shut up Alex don't attract attention to me."

I get up abruptly a minute later because class ends and I storm out.

"Aww my love did you want alone time with me. Because you could have asked and I could have teleported us home"

I make my way to an abandoned classroom and slam the door close. "Shut up Alex please."

I feel something touching me and I turn around and see that Alex has turned into a physical form.

"Make me love" he simply replies and I turn away and storm out of the room to the potions classroom for double potions.

He chuckles and turns back to his ghost form and follows me . "Hey love I'm just messing I'm sorry if I messed with you too much"

I whisper back with my actual voice. "It's fine I'm just embarrassed I love you too I guess"

He squeals and flips around in the air in excitement. "Yay I knew you loved me".

I snort back "only because of a contract and because you won't leave me alone" I say in my head.

He fake a hurt gasp and lets himself lay on the floor. "I thought you loved me how could you." He says in a mock voice.

I walk over his ghostly body "I never said I loved you." I snort back

He gasp again and floats to my shoulders. "wow the betrayal of my fiancee what's next your gonna make my kids hate me."

I blush and answer back seriously. "I don't hate you I said it before and I doubt our future kids would hate you."

Aww I love you too". I ignore him and finally make it the classroom in the nick of time.

Author note- sorry for taking so long I've been lazy. But yeah I'm loving Thoth/Alex I wanted to give him a playful personality because magic is fun and acts like a child itself. I don't mean thoth tho I mean physical magic.

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