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I groan as I am shakes awake by my husband.

"What is it Alex it's still to early ...."

"You need to get up beloved we have completed the ceremony. "

I jolt up. "so we are about to have a kid?"

He pops his mouth "yup in one months time. It's magical so it should be over soon. And based on your timeline we have time to kill until the final battle."

I nod "we do now let's actually do something useful right now."

He nods "sure why not. It's not like I just used high level magic and would like to be lazy."

I scowl "you have infinite magic you don't get tired . If anything I should be the one getting rest I'm having a kid in one month.'

"You act like it's going to be painful Ron."

I shake my head. " This kid is going to age like a mortal until it turns 18 years so it's going to be exhausting to take care of a child. "

He sighs and gets up from the bed. "Fine fine you win come on let's do something productive. I should probably help you study."

I groan "I don't wanna study though. Cant we do anything else?"

He shakes his head. "Your not knowledgeable enough about Egyptian customs plus we need to finish your education about the properties and the beginning of magic which Hogwarts has never taught because they are incompetent."

I groan again."how about we stay in bed?"

"Didn't you say we should actually do something productive?"

"I'm a pathological liar?"

He laughs "get up Ron let's go study so you can get smarter. "

"Ughhhh" I groan but reluctantly get up and follow him to the office.

"Good now let's get to work we have one month."

We worked hard for one month preparing for a kid and studying to actually be able to control my powers.

Trust me it was hell. The only good thing was figuring out names for the kid.

"How about Wisdom for a girl and Genius for a boy?" Alex says.

I face palm. "You are a being with thousands of years in your pocket and you can't come up with proper names!?"

"Hey! It was never something I needed to do in my defense."

I glare at him. "If our child is named that I will personally smite you."

He holds his hands up in surrender. "Fine fine you choose then oh so smart and good at naming things Ron."

Fine fine let me think...


He perks up. "Oh that's a good name and it's unisex too."

I nod. "I like it. It's a cute name for a girl or a boy."

He smiles. "Good now we are done with that let's go back to studying we have work to do."

"Ughh" I don't wanna it's so boring.

He shrugs "but you gotta so let's get to work. "

I groan once again. "Fiiiine."


The night it was time for Harper to come into existence I went to bed with Alex. He wasn't going to sleep because he needed to take care of Harper and I would be drained of my magic so I couldn't get up.

"Go to sleep love I'll be here in the morning with our dear Harper."

I push his hand away. "I know I know it'll be fine now let me sleep call me up in the morning I wanna meet Harper."

He laughs and kisses my forehead. "Good night love. I'll see you awake in the morning."

I snort. "good night Alex I'll see you and Harper when I awake."

I lay down and even though it takes a bit the darkness takes me away.

When I awake its to crying.

"Sh sh baby it's ok you'll get fed soon.". I hear Alex call to the crying sound. It takes a moment for me to recognize it but then I quickly get back up.

"Harper!" I call out and Alex pauses then runs to me with a baby in his arms and a bottle in another.

"Ron! How are you feeling are you ok?"

"That doesn't matter give me Harper."

He smiles. "Of course the first person you call out too is Harper. "

He hands me the baby and I have a quick look at her. She has my freckles with my red hair and strands of Alex's silver ones.

"A baby girl huh." I say looking at her face that's no longer crying just cuddling close to me like she recognizes her mom.

He nods. "She's lovely and when she's older she will be a real heartbreaker."

I nod. "Thank you Alex for everything."

He shakes his head "no Ron thank you for everything I now have. "

I smile and pull him in for a hug then we sit next together and start lulling the baby to sleep.

3 years later....

Soon the future I predicted happened.

Voldemort was defeated with my help and as much as everyone was surprised at my reappearance they were overjoyed at him finally being dead.

My family was alive and celebrating and soon it was me, Harry and Hermione.

"I must go Harry and Hermione thank you for being my friends." I smile at them as they both start tearing up.

As predicted Hermione is against me leaving. "NO! Ron I love you please don't leave me again."

She tries to go in to kiss me but I stop her.

"Hermione you don't truly love me it's just Dumbledore wants you to believe. Plus I have found love and my family."

I start ascending as Harry nods approvingly at me

"Go mate I always knew you would never be happy here." He says.

I smile and nod at him. "I swear I will always protect your families for all time until their bloodline ends."

Harry smiles and grabs Hermione's hands."Thanks Ron. Go back home Ron you deserve it. Thanks for your help."

I smile. "Good bye Harry and Hermione."

I ascend and Harry waves at me comforting Hermione.

I look back at Hogwarts one last time before leaving back to Harper and Alex.

I look at the future one last time and see Harry and Hermione never get married but stay friends until the end and they adopt orphans from the war.

Bill and Fleur have 3 more kids.

Percy and Oliver get married and adopt a 3 year old.

Ginny becomes a famous quidditch player and gets married to one of her rivals.

Snape and Charlie while they never get married they move in together and live a happy life together.

I whisper one last thing.

May fate protect these people for the rest of their lives.

I look forward and see Harper and Alex waiting for me. I run towards them.

And we walk together to the house.

Authors note.- holy shit it's over!? I did not actually expect that myself. I thoubt It was gonna be at least 15 chapters but nope. Oh well. Thanks for reading this the reason it's short because I love Ron but I'm not as knowledgeable about the HP universe as I should.

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