Chapter One

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Author's Note: 'Ello, if you haven't read the description, this is my first story, so please don't be afraid to leave any advice on this story. Anyways, enjoy reading :)

ℚ𝕦𝕚𝕔𝕜 𝔾𝕦𝕚𝕕𝕖
Y/N =Your Name
L/N =Last Name
E/C =Eye Color
H/C =Hair Color
F/S =Favorite Snack
F/D =Favorite Drink
F/C =Favorite Color

'Ello, I'm Y/N, Y/N L/N, and I'm from America- well- was, from America. My family and I just recently moved to Tokyo, Japan, because of my father's job. The only thing that made me agree to moving to Tokyo, was the chance to keep playing volleyball. Anyways, onto the story!

"Mijo! Could you help me unpack everything?" Your mother says, already holding to boxes and making her way to the kitchen to unpack and organize everything.

"Sure Ma." You say, grabbing the boxes labeled "Y/N" on them, and making your way upstairs.

As you start unpacking everything, you hear your father saying from down stairs, "I know hun, I'm sorry but I really need to leave and go to this meeting. I'll see you later, love you." You then hear the door open then close.

"It hasn't even been an hour, and he's already leaving again? This isn't fair. I barely ever see him anymore." You whisper under your breath, pissed off.


After managing to finish organizing about half of the whole house. Your mom tells you to try on your new uniform, so she could find out it if fit you or not. You stare at the uniform, it wasn't what you used to wear as a uniform, it didn't have a skirt. Without realizing it, you started crying, this is the first time that you were able to wear a male uniform at school, and it was all thanks to your mom and dad.

You wiped your tears after about 5 minutes of silently crying, and tried on the uniform. You looked in the mirror and looked at yourself, you had your hair cut, and a binder on. It made you look more masculine, especially because you decided to try a new way to put on masculine makeup on. Just then, you hear your mom say, "Mijo! What's taking so long? Is it to small? Too big? Tell me!" You smile, making your way down stairs, showing your mom how you look.

"Oh my.. You look handsome.." She smiles at you, sweetly, and pulls you in for a hug. You start crying after hearing your mom say you looked handsome.
Just at that moment, your father comes back, opening the door, and staring at you and your mother in the living room. He smiles and says, "You look exactly like my son." He then also joins in the hug, making you cry more.

After a couple of minutes in the hug, your dad pulls away and hands you a bag, saying, "I bought you some more Testosterone pills while I was on my way out."

You thank him, giving him another quick hug. "Thanks dad, you're the best." You say. Just then, you hear the door bell ring.

"I'll get it." You say, making your way towards the door and opening it.

Author's Note: Sorry if this is sloppy. I hope you liked this chapter. I'll post the next one as soon as I can! Btw, Happy Thanksgiving Day :)

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