Chapter Three

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A week later
It was finally your first day of school. You woke up to your annoying alarm clock. You got up, still pretty much asleep. You yawn, making your way to the bathroom, you look in the mirror and splashing cold water on your face, to help wake you up faster.

You brush your teeth, and then made your way back to your room, to get changed of course. You decided to wear your brand new binder, which was black, for a good start of the year.

You put on your uniform and then started working on doing your hair. After that, you made sure to do your makeup, to make you look extra handsome.

You made your way down stairs, making yourself a quick breakfast, which was just a toasted bread slice with strawberry jam. (If you don't like strawberry jam, or toast, then imagine something you'd get before leaving your house.)

You grabbed your school bag, put on your shoes, grabbed your keys, then went on your way, only to be greeted by Kenma. He wore the same uniform as you.

"Hey Ken! So you also go to Nekoma?" You asked, smiling.

" come, on. If we don't hurry, we'll be late." Kenma says, hiding the blush on his face after seeing your beautiful smile.

You lock the door behind you. Once you did that, you made your way towards Kenma, who already started walking, making you light jog towards him.

"Soooo, what year are you? I'm a second year." You said, finally reaching up to Kenma.

"I'm also a second year.." He says, very quietly, almost in a whisper.

"Cool! Hey look, the school is just right ahead, c'mon! Race you there!" You say, running as fast as you can, without giving Kenma a heads up. Kenma only sighed before smiling a bit. He started to light jog towards the school, not really caring if he lost the race.

Turns out that you and Kenma shared most classes, apart from second and fifth period. Second period being Science class with a grumpy old man who was called Mr. Genji, and fifth period being math class with a very strict teacher, named Miss. Aiko.

You sighed, you hated science and math. What made it even worse is that he couldn't be with Kenma during those two class periods.

The bell rang, you immediately got up from your seat, and made your way to the male gym. You felt kind of nervous since it would be the first time in an all male gym. You were so happy, yet nervous since it would be your first time playing in a male team in volleyball.

You were the first one there, apart from the coach being there. Yasufumi Nekomata. He looked right at you, a bit surprised since he thought everyone would be eating lunch at this time.

"Hello Y/N, I see you're here early, why don't you help set the court while you're here. " The old man says, smiling.

You nod, and start setting up the net. Once you were done with setting everything up, you grabbed a quick snack, which was F/S. You also pulled out F/D, and quickly ate and drank everything. You then made your way to the locker room, to change, you were glad you came to the gym early, that way no one would see that you used to be a female.

Just as you are about to put on your shirt to leave, you hear the door open.

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