Chapter Nine

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It was July of 2012. The whole Nekoma team was going to a training camp. You were really excited because you were going to play against really great schools. You were also excited because you found out that Karasuno was also coming to the training camp. You were going to see the tiny shrimp, or Hinata.

You woke up at 5 to get ready since you couldn't sleep. You were all leaving at 6, so you had enough time to get ready. You went to take a shower to freshen up. Then you went to get changed into your Nekoma joggers and an oversized Nekoma hoodie. You then packed a bag full of all your essentials, and two pairs of binders. Then you made something to eat for breakfast before heading out.

Once you made it to the school, you made your way to Kenma, who was on his switch.

You decided to sneak up behind him. So you slowly snuck up behind him, and said "Hola motherfucker."

You saw Kenma flinch, it made you laugh a bit, you then apologized for your actions after seeing Kenma glaring at you as if he was gonna kill you.

"You made me die." Kenma said, angrily.

You sheepishly took a step back, apologizing over and over again. Kenma was scary when he was mad. You knew from personal experience.

Kenma sighed, clearly annoyed about dying in his game. You were watching him play his game when you heard Coach Nekomata tell everyone to get in the bus. You and Kenma decided to sit at the back of the bus. Kenma quickly called dibs on sitting near the window. So that lead you to sit near the aisle. You didn't mind since you were at least still sitting next to your handsome boyfriend.

The drive to the training camp was almost an hour long. You were listening to music on your phone while Kenma was playing on his switch.

You were kind of getting tired so you decided to take a nap, you didn't want to disturb Kenma so you laid your head back and drifted to sleep, still listening to your music.

You ended up waking up to someone gently shaking you. You were not in the mood, you were in the middle of a VERY good nap.

"Y/N, wake up. We're here." Kenma said, seeing you slowly open your eyes.

You looked at him dead in the eye, angry about being woken up. You grabbed your phone, got up, and made your way to the exit of the bus.

Everyone else was already outside and stretching and pretty much still a bit sleepy. You decided to wait for Kenma at the entrance of the dorm building. (Idfk if they had a dorm room or not so just go with it-)

Once Kenma had caught up with you, you and him decided to make your ways to Nekoma's dorm room. You wanted to get a good spot, and so did Kenma, since he wanted a spot with a charging port.

You opened the door you went inside the room and immediately looked at the perfect spot for both you and Kenma.

"Hey Kenma! I found the perfect spot for both of us!" You said, making your way into the corner, right beside it was a charging port, so you put your stuff near the corner, and Kenma put his stuff beside you, where the charging port was.

You and Kenma, and what I mean by that is that it was just you, that wanted to explore the place. You just decided to drag Kenma into exploring with you.

As you and Kenma were walking out the door, you bumped into your teammates. "Hey guys! Where are you guys headed?" Lev Haiba asked.

"Oh we're going to explore for a bit, you know, to know where everything is." You replied, looking up at the tall Russian boy.

"Oh alright, just be back in before 9. That's when we have our first practice match." Kuroo said before telling everyone to find a spot for themselves in the room.

Cool, so Kenma and I only have two hours to explore, plenty of time. You thought.

You grabbed Kenma's hand, and started heading towards the exit of the building, to explore the outside of the training camp.

Kenma was silently walking beside you, still holding your hand. He gently squeezed it. You blushed a bit, you were still exploring the place, and you found a very nice quiet place, it looked nice, it was a good sized hill.

Kenma just wanted to go back inside and play his game.

Time skip
After the very tiring day, all you wanted to do was cuddle Kenma. The thing was.. That you were sharing the room with the whole team. So you had no luck. You were quite upset, but it didn't really matter since you were still sleeping right beside him.

You went to change into a black shirt with some red flannel pants. You brushed your teeth, and then made your way to the room in which you'd be sleeping in.

You made your way into your bed and grabbed your phone and started playing some random game on trapping a cat since you were bored and didn't know what to play.

After a bit, Kenma made his way to his bed, which was beside yours. (Keep in mind, it's Japan, and they sleep on the floor, so y'all can cuddle if y'all want)

You wanted to cuddle him so bad, and all your teammates were already asleep. So they wouldn't notice. You decided to fuck it and you got closer to cuddle him.

Kenma was a bit startled, but after a bit he started playing with your hair with one hand while his other was on his phone, scrolling through TikTok.

You're hand slowly moved down to where his *cough* yk, is. You didn't notice since you were already asleep, but Kenma did, and he was secretly freaking out.

Author's Note
I'M SO SORRY FOR POSTING THIS STORY LATE. I do think it was a bit to boring so I'm sorry. Anyways, have a good rest of your day/night.

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