Chapter Two

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"Hello. Can I help you?" You say, looking at the woman and a teenage boy, around your age.

"Hi dear, we're your neighbors, this is my son, Kozume Kenma. Kenma, say hi." The boy's mother nudges him a bit on the shoulder, making the boy look up from his switch.

"Hi.." Kenma says, very shyly. Making Y/N's heart flutter a bit.

"Hello, I'm Y/N, L/N Y/N. How about you guys come in?" You say, opening the door a bit more wider, making it enough so the guests could shove themselves in, greeting Y/N's parents, handing them a basket of cookies.

"Mijo, how about you and your new friend hang out upstairs, just leave the door open." your mom says, smiling.
You nod, leading Kenma upstairs and into your room, which was semi-organized.

Kenma, however, didn't mind, since he's on his game, playing what seems to be Zelda, breath of the wild. You look at him, immediately smiling, after finding out that he's playing one of your favorite games.

Kenma sits down on your bed, his eyes still glued to his switch. You, on the other hand, grab your switch, and sit beside him, saying, "You play Zelda too! That's cool. How far are you in the game?" You smile, really excited to find someone who plays Zelda, breath of the wild.

Kenma looks up from the screen, looking at how excited you are, and says, "Um.. I just finished beating the divine beast, Vah Rudania.. Now I just need to beat Ganon." He quickly looks back down at his game.

You stare at him in shock. Surprised that he beat all four divine beasts. Meanwhile you, were stuck on Vah Naboris, stupid Thunderblight Ganon, you couldn't beat him once his health bar was half empty.

"How?! You beat Thunderblight Ganon?! Teach me your ways!" You look at him really amazed at how good he is at the game.

Kenma's POV:
Y/N looked at me with a huge smile, begging me to teach him how to beat Thunderblight Ganon. I blushed, he was cute..

"Um, sure, I can help you beat Thunderblight Ganon.." I say, looking away quickly.

Back to 2nd POV:
"Oh my god thank you so so so much! You have no idea how much I've been struggling with beating him. I owe you one. Thank you!" You say, scooting closer to him, with your switch in your hands so Kenma could see.

"I'll give you the switch once I get this hijo de perras health bar halfway empty." You say, forgetting that the poor boy didn't know Spanish.

"What does, 'hijo de perra' mean?" Kenma asks, making you quickly look up at him, laughing, it made kenma's heart flutter a bit.

"I completely forgot to tell you! I'm Mexican so Spanish is one of the languages I mainly speak. 'Hijo de perra' means 'Son of a bitch'. Wait, are you ok with me cursing? I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable. I'm sorry!" You quickly apologize.

"No, it's ok, I don't mi- Watch out. He's going to kill you!" Kenma quickly grabs the switch and dodges Thunderblight Ganon's attack. You just look at him, in awe, he's so cool, and he has fast reflexes! That's really awesome. You scoot a bit more, making both of you guys' shoulders touch.

Kenma's POV
I realized that I just snatched the switch from Y/N's hands.

I quickly press the home button, so I could give the switch back to Y/N.

"Sorry, I got carried away.." I say, looking at you, seeing you looking at me in awe. It made my heart flutter. Seeing you looking at me like that, it's cute.

I hand you the switch, chuckling awkwardly. "Sorry for interrupting you, I got carried away. " I say, looking down at the floor.

Second POV
You grab your switch, saying, "Hey man, don't worry about it! It's cool, I would've done the same." You chuckle, making kenma blush a bit.

"Kenma! Time to go! It's getting late!" You hear kenma's mother call from the stairs.

You quickly look at him, pulling out your phone, staring at it, then shyly asking, "Hey.. Uh, could I get your phone number?. We could play more games later.. If you want to of course."

Kenma looks at you, blushing a bit, he takes your phone and gives you his phone number before leaving and saying, "Yea, maybe we could play Minecraft some time. See you."

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