Chapter Seven

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You and Kenma were at your house playing Minecraft of course. Your parents were out on a business trip so you decided to build up the courage to confess to him today. You had everything set up for today. You were going to play Minecraft in the world you guys created 5 months ago. You spent time in that world to make a little Parkour obstacle course since you knew he liked them so much. And at the end of it was an underground rollercoaster that lead to a room full of flowers and a sign in the middle saying "Will you be my boyfriend?"

You handed Kenma a controller and you sat beside him on your bed. You were nervous, but decided to go on with the plan because you ain't no pussy.

You and Kenma spawned in the beginning of the obstacle course. Kenma looked confused and looked at you, saying, "Did you make this?"

"Yeah. I now you like obstacle courses, so I decided to make one. I hope you like it." You said, looking at the screen. "Bet I can make it to the end before you." You said, quickly making your character run and start to get through the first level of the obby.

"Hey, that's not fair. You got a head start." Kenma said, trying to keep up with you.

Eventually he got ahead of you and made it to the end. You were close behind him so he ended up waiting for you.

Once you finished the last level. Kenma went inside one of the minecarts and made his way through the roller coaster. You were right behind him.

"I wonder what's at the end." He said.

"Well you can only guess." You responded. Your heart was pounding really loudly, and your hands were getting sweaty once you saw that you and Kenma were at the end of the rollercoaster.

Kenma got off the minecart and opened the door that was in front of the room. He saw that the room was full of flowers. He then noticed the sign.

You held your breath, scared of what Kenma would say. You heard him whisper the first two words. Then he paused. He got awfully quiet. You were really nervous so you ended up whispering a, "So?.. What do you say?.."

Kenma looked at you, crying and smiling at the same time. He pulled you in for a tight hug before quietly saying, "Yes. Yes I'll be your boyfriend."

You were relieved that he said yes. You hugged him back, tears in your eyes from happiness.

You both ended up hugging for a good minute before letting go and smiling at each other.

You gently cupped his face and asked, "Can I..can I kiss you?."

Kenma nodded. You then leaned in to kiss him. He slowly kissed you back, grabbing on of your hands gently and smiling through the kiss.

You could taste how sweet Kenma's lips were, and you could feel how soft they were too. You were so happy that you just wanted nothing to do with the outside world.

After a bit, you pulled away from the kiss. Kenma gently smiled at you. "God.. I'm so lucky to have you as my boyfriend." You said, looking into his eyes. Your life felt complete. You gave him a quick peck on the lips, then another, and another. Soon you were showering Kenma with kisses.

Author's Note:
I really do apologize for making this story really short. I just wanted to make Y/N finally confess, since it was driving me crazy how I was writing everything and I hadn't even made neither of them confess. Sometimes I forget that I'm the one writing this story.

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