Chapter Four

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SHIT! Quick! Put on your shirt! Whoever's here can't see me with my binder on! You thought, panicking. What if the person that saw you was transphobic? What if they tell the whole school? You started to hyperventilate, feeling a panic attack kicking in.

"Y/N? Is that you?" You hear a familiar voice.

You froze. It was Kenma. You didn't even have the time to put on your shirt, leaving you with the bottom half of your body with gym clothes and the top half with just your binder. You couldn't breathe. Afraid of what Kenma will think of you.

"Are you ok? Is that a binder you have on?." Kenma asks, he quietly walked towards you, seeing that you weren't breathing. He started getting anxious. He didn't care if you had a binder on, he could worry about that later. What he just needed to know if you were ok.

You looked at the ground, your vision was blurry, since you were on the verge of tears. You started hyperventilating again, making Kenma worry even more, he walked to you, putting his hand on your chin, and gently moving your chin, so you could look at him. His heart broke a little, looking at you, on the verge of crying, and hyperventilating. He knew that you were having a panic attack.

"Hey.. It's ok.. It's ok Y/N..I'm here.." Kenma said, holding you close, stroking your back. "Hey.. Could you do me a favor? Could you tell me five things you can see?.. " he said. He knew what to do because he used to get panic attacks when he was younger, due to his anxiety.

You nodded, still crying, and struggling to breathe. "You.. The lockers.. The door..your school bag..and..A cat..sticker." You said, in between sobs.

Kenma smiled, still a bit worried, but he saw that your breathing was getting a bit steady. "Good.. Good.. Now, could you tell me four things you can feel right now?" He was still not letting go of you, he kept gently stroking your back.

"Your hand.. Your hair, my tears?" You said, you started feeling more calm, but you still kept crying.

"You're doing great.. I'm proud.. Now give me three things you can hear?" Kenma says, he slowly let's go of you, but he's still holding your hands.

", voice?.. The AC.. and the birds.." You respond, you started to calm down, you stopped crying too. You saw him smiling softly at you. You still had some tears running down your cheek.

"Now give me two things you can smell, you're doing great by the way.." Kenma saw how you were starting to calm down, making his worry go away.

"My Cologne..and the smell of sweat." You said, giggling a bit, after making the comment on the locker room smelling like sweat. It made Kenma smile a bit, and snicker.

"Now how about one thing you can taste?" He was already calm now. Still chuckling at the very bad comment you made.

"My tears I guess?" You replied, you were already calmed down, and you stopped crying.

"Good, you did great. Now, could you please tell me what caused this panic attack?. Was it the binder, maybe?." He said, noticing that you had a binder on.

You nodded. "Please don't tell anyone that I'm trans.." You said, your nerves coming back again.

"Hey don't worry about it, I won't tell anyone.. Actually, there's something that no one knows in this school, apart from Kurro.. I'm gay. So how am I supposed to tell anyone that you're trans when I can't even tell anyone that I'm gay?" He said, trying to make you feel better. It helped, knowing that he was gay, it made you felt safer around him. It also gave you hope, you might actually have a chance with him.

"But you should um, maybe put your shirt on if you don't want anyone else to see you." The boy says, letting go of your hand and leaving the locker room. You blushed, putting on your shirt, then leaving the locker room. Seeing the rest of the team enter the gymnasium.

"Alright everyone, put on your gym uniforms! Once you're done, I want you guys to run 3 laps around the gym. Then we'll start stretches." I hear coach Nekomata say. I immediately make my way towards Kenma, who already had his gym clothes on, and you guys both ran those three laps together, making jokes and talking about maybe hanging out after school.


Author's Note:
Helloooo, I hope you guys are enjoying this book series so far! I apologize for only being able to publish one story today! Anyways, I'm also here to remind y'all to stay hydrated and to eat something. Byeee <3

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