Chapter Eight

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It was May, of 2012. It was also Nekomas practice match with Karasuno High. It was really awesome how you and Kenma have already been dating for about a month. (I completely forgot when Hinata and Kenma met. So I'm just going to say that a month passed and now it's their practice match)

You and Kenma were walking together towards the gym, you were really excited about the game. Even if it was a practice game, you were still excited to play against Karasuno. Especially because the little shortie named Hinata was on their team.

You heard that Nekoma and Karasuno used to hold multiple practice games before, but both schools stopped holding the practice games five years ago.

You immediately went to practice your serves while Kenma was changing. You decided to change in the men's restroom before heading to the gym, since you wanted no one would see that you were trans, obviously.

After 10 minutes, Karasuno finally arrived. They went to practice for their needed time since your team already had their time to practice. Once Karasuno was done practicing, both Nekoma and Karasuno lined up and bowed, saying, "Thank you for the game!"

You were in the starting lineup with Kenma. You looked at him and said, "You ready?" Kenma nodded, and made his way to serve since it was your team's serve.

You got in your position, and got into your ready stance. You were eager to play and hit the ball. You could feel the adrenaline running through your veins. You were so eager to get a hold of the ball.

Kenma served, and number 3 received it. It wasn't clean, but number 9 got under the ball and quickly set it to Hinata.. That was so quick, Hinata's speed is crazy fast!

The second serve came, and Kenma set to Yamomoto, who spiked it, but number 4  received it.

You saw Hinata go for another quick attack and made your way to measure where Hinata's serve would fall.

You saw Inuoka prepare to block Hinata's spike. You thought you and Inuoka would be able to stop Hinata's spike, but boy were you wrong when you saw Karasuno's setter set to number 3.

Damn it! You thought, making you way to try and receive the ball. You saw Yaku go for the ball too, but neither of you were able to catch it.

Your blood started to boil, you couldn't stand to loose. You tried to calm yourself down though, and got back to your stance, taking deep breaths to calm yourself down.

You saw number 4, or their libero, swap out for a tall blonde, number 11. Jeez this man is a fucking tree. You thought.

Time Skip
Your team was winning, a score of 12-9, you were starting to get in the zone when Coach Nekomata called a time out.

Mann, I was just getting in the grooveeee. This isn't fairrr. That's really homophobic of you, Coach Nekomata. You thought, making your way to the coach with Kenma.

After old Coach Nekomata explained that we can beat Karasuno's crazy quick attack, Kenma says out of nowhere, how Hinata is the Main Attack source for Karasuno.

"So you're saying that if we manage to shut Hinata down... Then we can win. Kenma, that's the smartest thing you've said today at volleyball!" You said, teasing him a bit. Kenma was right though, if you guys managed to shut down that beast, then the tables would turn for the better.

"Shut up.. Anyways, I've come up with a plan to shut him down." Kenma said, ignoring what I said.

The team listened to Kenma's plan. It was a really good plan to be honest. All we can do now is to put effort into making this plan work, and to hope it works.

You got back on the court. Hoping for the plan to succeed as you got into your ready stance.

Time Skip
Our team won the first set. Kenma's plan worked, well- kind of. Inuoka struggled for a bit, but he managed to get it after a few trial and errors.

You were so happy that your team won the first set. You congratulated Inuoka for being able to keep up with Hinata's crazy speed.

You weren't in the starting line up this time, you weren't complaining though, you were really tired. So you went and sat down on the bench, and chugged your water.

Another Time Skip (Sorry)
Nekoma won the second set again, score being 25-23. You were so happy and proud of your team mates. You went and hugged Kenma, who slightly blushed and tensed up for a moment before slightly hugging you back.

"You did so great love." You whispered into Kenma's ear. It made him turn red as a tomato, you laughed as you pulled away from the hug.

Time Skip
Nekoma and Karasuno went and had a bunch more practice games after that. By the end of the day, you were tired, and so was the rest of the team. Hinata, on the other hand, asked for another rematch. You looked at him as if he were crazy.

Another Time skip (I'M SORRY)
You and Kenma were walking home together after the many many rematches. You wanted to hold Kenma's hand so you decided to drop a subtle hint. Your finger lightly grazed the back of Kenma's hand, signaling that you wanted to hold his hand. Kenma tensed up for a moment before calming back down. He blushed a bit and slowly went to grab your hand. You held onto his hand and interlocked your fingers with his. Kenma gently squeezed your hand, making your heart skip a beat.

"Hey.. Kenma?" You asked.

"Yes?" Kenma said, on his phone.

"I'm really happy to have met you.." You said, looking at the floor.

"I'm.. Glad to have met you to Y/N.." Kenma said, smiling softly and looking up at you.

"I.. I love you, I hope you know that.." You said, looking at him.

"I love you too Y/N." Kenma replied, smiling at you warmly.

How could you have pulled an amazing person like Kenma? You were so lucky. You felt as if you won the lottery. Wait a minute. You did win the lottery. You won Kenma, and that was enough.

Authors Note
I tried scheduling when I'll be posting the chapters of this story so I will now be trying to release a chapter every four days.

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