Chapter Five

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After school
You and Kenma ended up walking towards your house, since your parents were out on a date.

"I don't get why they'd go on a date when it's a Monday." You whined, opening the door and taking off your shoes before you and Kenma went upstairs to your room.

Kenma just quietly listened, following you up the stairs.

"Hey maybe we could play Minecraft, if you're up to it of course." You said, opening the door to your bedroom. Kenma nodded, saying, "Sure, that sounds like fun."

You went to turn on your ps5, and handing Kenma a second controller. Once you were in the game, you made a new world, named, "Y/N and Kenma". You stood up, and sat down, beside Kenma, who was sitting on your bed.

Just as the world was loading, the doorbell rings. Your eyes lit up. "My pride flag is here! I'll be right back." You said, quickly racing down the stairs and opening the door to receive your trans flag.

Once you got your box and closed the door, you went back upstairs and opened the box, to pull out a trans flag. You smiled, quickly hanging it up on top of your bed frame.

Kenma couldn't help but admire how happy you were. He looked back at the screen, the world finally loaded.

"Um, Y/N, the world finished loading." Kenma looked back at you. You were already getting yourself comfortable on the bed, grabbing your control, and nodding.

You and Kenma spilt jobs, Kenma went mining, and you went to get wood to build a house with the necessary materials that Kenma gave you.

You thought you were an awesome builder, so you spent your time, building what you thought was a big enough house for the two of you.

After about an Hour and a half, you finally finished, Kenma helped by making a basement, he didn't think his build was as good as yours, but you thought he did an amazing job

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After about an Hour and a half, you finally finished, Kenma helped by making a basement, he didn't think his build was as good as yours, but you thought he did an amazing job

After about an Hour and a half, you finally finished, Kenma helped by making a basement, he didn't think his build was as good as yours, but you thought he did an amazing job

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"Kenma! This looks great!" You said, really amazed because he organized everything so neatly in the chests.

"You really think so?" He said, blushing.

"Yea, of course man! You did great." You reassured him, patting his back gently. "By the way, I put our beds together, hope you're ok with that." You said, making the poor cat boy blush even more.


Author's Note: I'm so sorry that this one is short, I didn't know what exactly to write about.

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