Chapter Twelve

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It was getting pretty late, and you were quite tired from playing all afternoon. Kenma however, could go all night playing his video games. But you both had practice the next day so you wanted both of you to get good rest for practice. Although you knew getting Kenma to go to bed was going to be difficult.

"Mi Amor? I'm tired. I think I'm going to head to bed, we have practice in the morning so it'd be best if we went to sleep." You said, standing up to get changed into one of Kenma's hoodies and a pair of shorts you brought from your house.

"Yea go sleep, I'll join you when I'm done with this game." The blonde said, not batting an eye from the screen in front of his bed.

You knew that what he said ment "I'm not going to bed until I hear the birds outside start chirping." You sighed leaving the room to head to the bathroom to brush your teeth and to change.

Once you finished doing that, you went back to Kenma's room, who was inches away from the screen in which the game was playing. You jumped on his bed and made yourself comfortable in one side, making space for your partner for once he was ready to join you.

An hour passed and you still couldn't sleep. You wanted to cuddle Kenma, but he was too busy playing his game than being with you. Rude much. You got up and sneakily made your way to Kenma. You weren't that strong, but you were willing to drag Kenma to bed if that's what it took to get your lover to fall asleep.

You knelt down beside the boy who was on the floor, staring at the TV. You grabbed his cheek and gently made him look at you, or try, since the boy was still staring at the TV.

"Y/N? I thought you were asle-" The blond said, getting cut off at the end by you kissing him.

It made the boy blush, he looked at you,
Loosening his grip on the controller. Making you able to grab the charger, while breaking the kiss. "Hey! Give me back my controllerrrr. Y/NNNN." Kenma said, trying to grab the controller.

"No, you're going to bed with me whether you like it or not mister." You said, standing up to turn off the TV and to put away the controller.

"I don't wanna" Kenma yawned, looking exhausted. Yet refusing to go to bed.

"What if I said we could probably cuddle and I could play with your hair while we listen to music?"

"Nevermind, now that I think about it, I am tired. C'mon let's go." Kenma immediately stood up and got ready on one side of the bed. "My phone or yours?" He asked, wanting to know who would be the one playing music.

"Mine, just give me a sec, let me turn off the light so we can go to bed now. Ok?" You asked, making your way to the light switch to turn the light off.

"Mhm. Can I pick the playlist we can listen to though?" The blonde boy asked, his voice sounding even tired since he yawned again.

"Sure, I don't mind." You replied, getting comfortable on your side of the bed, handing him your phone. You didn't kind since you and Kenma made multiple playlists for different situations in which you two would be together.

Kenma picked the playlist he wanted, and the song that started playing was Golden Hour by JVKE. Kenma then put the phone on the bedside table and got closer so you could cuddle him.

You smiled, that song made the atmosphere around you guys to calm down. You were gently stroking his hair while cuddling him. You wanted to stay like this forever, you liked when stuff like this happened, it made it seem like the world around you two stopped.

After a little while you started getting pretty tired, you noticed Kenma was already asleep. You smiled gently while stroking his hair, whispering "Te Amo. Sleep well Kenma." While drifting asleep.

Author's Note
SUPER SHAWTIES, sorry for not posting in a while, I've been trying to get my life together. Lmao. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this small story!

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