Chapter Ten

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Time Skip
A week later, the training camp was finally over, you were quite upset about leaving your new friends from camp, but you knew you didn't have a choice.

After you and your teammates said their goodbyes to all the volleyball players from the camp, all the managers, and all the coaches, you and the rest of the Nekoma volleyball team went to their bus to put their bags in the back of the bus.

You and Kenma yet again decided to sit together and listen to music and play games together.

After about a thirty minutes, you got really tired and decided to rest your head on Kenma's shoulder and sleep. Your actions made Kenma look at you from the corner of his eye and smile a bit. He found it cute how you looked when you slept, even if no one else seemed to think that. (I always see "you were gorgeous when you slept" and "you looked like an angel when you slept," like, I'm an ugly ass sleeper, so I'm sorry for everyone who's a pretty sleeper, but I'm ugly when I sleep)

Time skip brought by El Demon Slayer Cats

You woke up to Kenma gently shaking you, saying, "Y/N, wake up

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You woke up to Kenma gently shaking you, saying, "Y/N, wake up. We're here."

You woke up a bit grumpy, but eventually calmed down a bit, enough to not want to yell at anyone, especially Levi.

You stood up and got out of the bus, the sun was setting and it left the sky with a beautiful orange glow. Seeing the sunset made you calm down a bit after waking up all pissed off.

Once you got your stuff, you waited for Kenma who was light jogging towards you, his face symbolizing as if he were trying to say something to you.

Once he reached you, he looked at you a bit embarrassed. You could tell he was struggling to say what he had in mind so he ended up blurting out, "Can we go somewhere more private? I need to tell you something."

You nodded saying, "Sure, no problem." It was a problem, you felt your stomach drop, you were thinking of the worst. What if he wants to break up? What if he doesn't want to see my face again? Did I do something stupid to make him hate me? You snapped out of it when you heard Kenma saying, "You coming Y/N?"

You nodded, following him. The knot in your stomach wasn't helping, you were so nervous on what he was planning on telling you that you didn't notice that you were already pretty far awayfrom the team and that Kenma was already in front of you, trying to figure out the right words to say.

You snapped back to reality when Kenma kissed you. You were shocked at the sudden action, but you didn't mind of course.

He pulled away from the kiss, smiling a bit before saying, "I know we're not too far away from the team, but I was wondering if you wanted to come to my house on Friday? My parents won't be home..." He smirked a bit after finishing the sentence, leaving you a flustered mess.

"Yea, sure. What time?" You questioned, still a flustered mess.

"How about 6:30 p.m.?" Kenma replied, still smirking a bit and making his voice nice and low.

You gulped, blushing madly and nodding slightly. Kenma then said, "I bought a new game and I wanna play it with you. What did you think I ment?" He started laughing, making you red from embarrassment.

Author's Note
I'M SO SO SORRY FOR TAKING SUCH A LONG TIME TO POST THIS STORY. Things have been going on in my life rn so I don't really have much time anymore to write the story, I'll still try my best to finish it.

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