Chapter Six

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Time skip to when Kenma met Hinata.

"Hey uh, Kenma?" You say to the blonde, now realizing that you are lost.

"Hm?" Kenma hums in response, not looking up from his phone.

"I think we're lost" You respond.



"We should probably find a place to sit down. My legs are starting to hurt." Kenma says, still on his phone.

You nod and gently grab Kenma's free hand, making Kenma stop in his tracks, finally looking up from his phone, slightly blushing.

"Um.. I found somewhere we can sit.." You say, pointing to a bench.

"Oh, well, let's go, my feet hurt from walking." Kenma says, putting his phone away and walking to the bench, not letting go of your hand.

Once you guys sat down, kenma grabbed his phone and kept playing some game on it. You looked at him, and smiled. It looked like you and him were on a date. You smiled at the thought and without realizing it, you gently squeezed his hand, making Kenma look up again from his phone to turn to you. Only to realize that his face and yours were inches apart.

You noticed how close you guys were, and quickly looked away, trying to hide the blush on your face.

Kenma just kept looking at you, he turned pink with the thought of your face inches away from his.

"Hey! What're you guys up to?" A voice ends up bringing you both back to reality.

You looked around to see a red headed shorty light jogging towards you guys.

"Huh? Oh well it's just- uh.. We're lost.." Kenma said, answering the question.

"Lost? Are you guys from out of town?" The red head asked.

You both nodded, kenma grabbed his phone and went back to playing games.

"Is that a fun game?" The short kid asked.

Man he's full of questions. Isn't he? You thought to yourself.

"Uh. Not really..I'm just trying to pass the time." Kenma answered, letting go of your hand to continue playing on his phone. You frowned, you wanted to keep holding his hand.

"Oh." The red head just kept staring. It kind of made you uncomfortable how he was staring so much.

"Hey! Do you guys play too?!" The red head said.

"What?" You asked in confusion

"Those volleyball shoes in your bags!" The shortie said, pointing to the shoes in your bags.

"Oh, yea. We play volleyball." You answered.

"I'm Shoyo Hinata! What are your guys' names?" The kid asked.

"Y/N. L/N Y/N." You answered the boy named Hinata.

"Kozume.." Kenma answered, looking down at the floor.

"Kozume? Is that your first name?" Hinata asked.

"No, it's his last name. His first name is Kenma." You said.

"Ohh. So are you guys in high school?" Shoyo asked, smiling.

"Yep. We're second years." You said.

"Aw crap! You guys are my upperclassmen! I'm so sorry!" Hinata said, standing up straight and apologizing.

You couldn't help but chuckle. "It's fine shorty. So I'm guessing you're a first year then?" You asked.

"Yea. Anyways, do you guys like volleyball? " Hinata asked.

"Eh.. It's fine. I can't say I really care. I don't mind it or anything..but I'm not big on getting all worn out" Kenma said

"Well I like it! I love how fun it is! Plus, Kuro and I need him on the team." You say.

"Ah. Well, once you get used to it, I'm sure you'll like volleyball too!" Hinata says, looking at Kenma and smiling at him.

"Whatever.. I'm only playing it while I'm in high school." Kenma says, his eyes still glued to his phone.

"Yea? Well what positions do you guys play?"

"I'm a wing spiker!" You say proudly.

"I'm the setter.." Kenma says, looking up from his phone

"REALLY?! You're a lot different than the setter we've got! He's really growly and scary like a Sabor tooth tiger!" Hinata says in response to Kenma's statement.

"I'm a middle blocker by the way! Oh.. But you guys probably think that's a little weird. Shorter guys don't usually play that position." Hinata says.

"Nah, it's not weird! Not at all!" You say reassuringly.

"Yea.. People say a lot of stuff about me whenever I go to a game too. You know, things like 'I thought the setter was supposed to be the team member with the strongest abilities. So why did they ever pick this guy of all people. ' You see, I'm not all that much of an athletic person." Kenma says, going back to playing his game.

"Oh. So does your school have a good volleyball team or what?" Hinata says, going back to asking toooo many questions.

"Well, we used to be one of the best but everything went downhill, but as of now.. I think we're doing great." Kenma says, looking Hinata dead in the eye.

"Hold on.. What school do you gu-"

"Kenma. Y/N." A familiar voice said.

"Oh. Hey Kuro." You said. Standing up and holding out a hand for Kenma to grab onto.

Kenma grabs onto your hand and stands up, saying. "Sorry, but we've got to go. Later, ok?" Kenma waves to Hinata and then makes his way to Kuro without letting go of your hand.

"See ya shorty. " you say, looking back at Hinata.

"You guys shouldn't wander off. You guys don't know your way around here. " Kuro says in a stern voice.

"Sorry." You and Kenma say.

Time skip
"Kenmaaaa, I'm boreddd." You whine and make your way to the blonde.

Kenma sighed, looking up from his switch, saying, "Alright.. What do you want to do?"

"Wanna play Minecraft at my house?" You ask, smiling at him.

Authors Note.
Heyyy, sorry for not posting this story for a while. I tried to make it longer this time. Also I really do apologize if this one was trash.

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