Mbti and Fitness??

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  Any type can do any exercise they want, but some cognitive functions make certain exercises come more naturally and most importantly, more enjoyable and sustainable.
Disclaimer: be sure to fact-check, since these are only my personal opinions
If you can think of any other workouts for any of the Myers Briggs, I would like to hear it in the comments :)

ISFP: Although a lot of people pair hiking for ISFPs, a lot of ISFPs I met hate it, and I think the reason it gets associated with ISFPs is because even though they are competitive and like challenges, their routine needs to also be something that will build them up rather than criticizing them. Technically all routines should be positive and enjoyable, but especially for ISFP and INFP above all other types, despite them being the most individual and trailblazing types. Sports would probably be a good option, as long as there is a good support system and the sport is more focused on the fun game aspect rather than the competitive aspect.
INTJ: A routine that gets them closer to whatever aesthetic or performance goal they have. Since routine is more fun/valued than working out just for the sake of it, they would need something that is physically as well as mentally challenging allowing them to grow overtime, but still stay within their wheelhouse until they can develop more skills. Although a variety of styles can be good, they work best when they train themselves and alone, as long as they know what they are doing
ENTJ: Contrary to ISFP, challenges are what ENTJs thrive on and they may even enjoy constructive criticism from tough, competitive sports as well as the physical challenge and social aspect, plus winning and seeing the hard work pay off will be very rewarding to these types. Sport's training that gets these results by helping develop certain sports skill sets will be something brag-worthy. On the flip side, with a busy work schedule, some sort of de-stress workout like yoga or stretching would also be beneficial for, well, de-stressing with all the tight schedules.
INFP: Workouts vary from individual INFPs, but switching up the routine and making it spontaneous is a simple response to simple goals. Since they like workouts for the sake of it or just to be healthier, there is no need to make a super rigorous or complicated routine. Outdoors would be beneficial for all the types, but for INFP in particular, it makes working out feel less like a chore, and more like something enjoyable. All the types have different ideas of what fun is, and for INFPs, fun is less dangerous
Side note: Anyone else dangerous gang here? I vote routine all the way
ESTP: Literally anything competitive, but especially fitness challenges.
Similar to ENTJ and ISFP, they enjoy competition, but unlike both of those types, ESTPs thrive on doing crazy and spontaneous party tricks and stunts.
A tougher routine will less likely bore them, as long as it can be switched up from time to time, but, it is less of an issue for them than it is for INFP, ENFP or sometimes ENTP
Bonus points if ESTPs can bring a workout buddy along for "friendly competition"...

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