Battle of Manhattan

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December 9th, 2022
2 hours after first contact...

"...unidentified forces have been reported appearing in major cities across the globe. We're unsure as to whom is responsible, but we have heard rumors regarding aliens..."

"Casualties are already estimated in the hundreds and thousands as streets and bridges are overcrowded with civilians trying to flee the cities..."

"...NASA and several other space organizations have detected the presence of a massive object now orbiting the planet. Scientists believe this to be the beginning of an alien invasion..."

"...military personnel have been mobilized across the globe, in response to this coming threat."

What humanity believed as nothing more but science fiction and fantasy, was turned out to become reality when they descended from above the stratosphere.

Aliens ships began arriving from a larger vessel in orbit around the planet. Their mothership, quickly landing and mobilizing ground forces within almost every major city across the globe. Humanity was unprepared, with civilian casualties already in the thousands after just the first hour since the invasion started.

Military units were already responding after being assessed with what was happening, scrambling to mobilize enough manpower to respond to the new coming threat.

Manhattan was under attack. The city itself was still in the midst of an evacuation, while alien and human fighters fought against each other for dominance in the air. Jets used guns and missiles, while the aliens ships used laser that could send a plane down with a single hit.

Meanwhile the US military was now responding to retake the city, along with several other territories now under alien control. MV-22 Ospreys flew in formation along with helicopter gunships ready to support marine forces once they were on the ground. Waiting for them was a small FOB set up by the National Guard who was trying to contain the aliens and assist with the evacuations. But their numbers were already stretched thin, and they needed the Army and Marine Corps to help secure the city.

"Coming up on the designated LZ, ETA two minutes." The pilot announced over the intercom of his plane as the crew chief began inspecting the marines and their gear before they would disembark into the city. The marines were already briefed on what they were facing. But many still had doubts as to who their enemy was. Fighting aliens? This was something taken straight out of a video game.

That was before they saw the current state of the city itself. Manhattan was indeed under attack, with several structures already having collapsed, trails of smoke reaching up towards the skyline, and the sounds of gunfire trading against, something else they believed were possibly energy weapons used by the invaders.

"Coming up on LZ in one minute! I want all of you grunts off my plane by the time we touch down!" The crew chief announced. "Check yer gear and get yourselves ready for combat!"

Coming in on their final approach, the VTOL airplanes pivoted their engines and came to a slow, steady descent towards the build up of National Guard forces. Their wheels touched down on the concrete surface as their blades blew up snow that has been falling since the season rolled in. This left the air feeling chilly, but the marines' battledress uniforms were insulated and gave enough protection from the elements.

Around them, a small force was already set up and organized, with soldiers forming up into squads and tanks pushing through the snow to make their way into the city. This was all becoming a effort to secure and retake the city from the aggressors.

1 hour later...

"You know, I've only been in this city once. But even then, I never believed how quickly this place would turn into a ghost town."

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