The Galactic Peace Keeping Union

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July 6th, 2230
GPKU Headquarters

The most dominant galactic organization, or as they claim themselves to be, the Galactic Peace Keeping Union is a multiracial organization that dedicates itself to the preservation of peace and justice across the galaxy, with their core planets and installations concentrated within the Sagittarius Arm. Their ships numbered in the tens of millions, and their planets near a million estimated.

However a new crisis has come up, one which caught them by surprise and they were unprepared for. The sudden rise in Species 13, or humanity as they call themselves.

After the surprise attack on the Quen home world, where a union representative was visiting to update the quen's status as a permanent member race, the ships simply appeared out of no where and destroyed every battlestation and defensive ship within mere minutes, leaving the wreckage to fall and cause more damage. The quen homeworld was now in a state of ruin and disrepair, with relief aid called for to help stabilize the populace.

Since then, the empress was forced to tell them everything about the humans, allowing them to discover their hidden activities of subjugating lesser races. This sparked an uproar of controversy regarding the Matriarchy, with a majority calling for their permanent removal from the union.

But right now they had a higher topic to deal with. What should they do regarding the humans and their rapid expansion.

The organization's leader, the High Chancellor stood up on an elevated podium before the representative members of every race that was part of the union. He was a Hugtan, a plantoid race with generally green skin and leaf shaped crests along his head. Four small eyes provided him and his kind with vision, and four arms were attached to his side, providing excellent dexterity when it come to manipulating objects.

He raised his upper arms up to gain the attention and silence of the committee of representatives as they hushed, ready to begin with this meeting.

"It has come to our upmost attention that a hidden war has been taking place against one of our presumed allies. And now the conflict has been revealed in perhaps the most unexpected manner." The high chancellor explained. "Nether the less, it is this race that appears to be the determined victor that we're gathered to discuss."

He paused as several display screens lit up, revealing the same human male who made his public announcement across the quen homeworld.

"This is Admiral Salen Kotch of the United Earth Defense Front. To the heads of government and empress of the Quen Matriarchy, you are defeated. Your fleet and planetary defenses now remain in the ruins crashing across your homes. Your entire planet is now exposed to our wrath you've brought upon your people for the injustices committed against our home over 200 years ago!"

"Consider this a taste for what is to come should this war prolong further than it already has. However we aren't unreasonable. If you openly declare a surrender to our forces and submit to our terms, this war can be brought to a more peaceful ending. You have one month to declare your surrender, or we will not stop until every star, every planet, and every continent is taken from your grasps!"

"And we will not hesitate to kill every sister and daughter you send against us! Terra Invicta!"

The recording was paused at the very end, leaving the human's face on full display and showing the entire committee just who they were discussing about.

"We done some more investigation based on information we've acquired from the quen after the attack on their homeworld. Around 200 years ago they were not even a Type I civilization. Today, they have the capability to expand into a full fledged Type III civilization."

This sparked and uproar amongst the committee. No race should ever progress so quickly on the technological scale. Humanity should've been at the start of a Type II civilization. Yet already they were expanding far into the galaxy away from their home system. All at once, the entire committee went into a debated argument about how they should respond to humanity's unnatural capacity growth. Some members were debating on ignoring the humans and prohibit any future contact with them. The majority was voting to try and establish contact with the humans to help find a compromise that will bring an end to their campaign across the Orion Arm. A small minority however, those who come from a warrior's culture, were voting to show strength against the humans to make them back down or threaten with war. More information was provided from the battle over the quen home world, showing how the human ships appeared and quickly wiped out all defending ships and installations in orbit. The firepower and capabilities of their ships brought shock to the committee.

"It is apparent that the humans boast a surprising amount of technological superiority. Especially regarding their use of energy shields protecting their ships. Something even we have, but limited in use."

"Not only that, but their ships appear to still have the capacity of firing their weapons even with shields up. Something our current shield technology will not allow!"

"Their ships are not only well protected but we'll armed as well. The amount of firepower they boast exceeds the limitations implemented by the Naval Armaments Accord. Makes sense since they've yet to encounter us and they're not a member race."

The humans were a significant threat should they turn their ships against the entirety of the galaxy, a reason why many of the union began holding an unspeakable fear of the humans. Afraid that should they make the wrong move, their worlds would suffer the fate of destruction. However something must be done regarding the humans and their military conquest.

"A declaration of war is not an option," The High Chancellor stated. "They've yet to give us a positive reason to intervene with our fleets, and I fear the destruction and loss we would suffer from facing a powerful opponent. We must try using diplomacy and find a compromise between them and the quen."

"Let the quen burn!" A voice called out amongst the committee. "They not only attacked the humans in the first place, but subjugated many lesser civilizations across the Orion Arm, even as a unofficial member. They turned against the prime directives of the peacekeeping union resulting in the suffering of 13 other species, humanity included. So let them burn! They brought this on themselves."

Many were in agreement with this idea, seeing it was illogical to intervene against a power that was rapidly expanding in capacity and capability. However some of the more vocal members of the committee voiced against this, saying it would only be a matter of time before the humans possibly turned their weapons elsewhere once they're done with the quen. However the High Chancellor silenced them all before speaking.

"We will not stand by and watch as this war drags on. The purpose of this union is to intervene and prevent war, and if not possible, reduce the losses and find a diplomatic end before it drags on for too long. We've already failed this by being blind to what's happening throughout the rest of the galaxy. Further more, we will not be using military action for the time being. Our best course of action will be to contact the humans directly and find a means to form a compromise between them and the quen. As they said, they aren't unreasonable. Perhaps we can bring the two sides to agree to a peace treaty or cease fire."

A majority voted in favor, while a few minority groups of the committee were either against this or proposing their own solutions. In the end, the majority won over the others and made the final decision. A small envoy fleet will be sent into human space to make contact with them, while another would be sent back to the quen homeworld to bring both sides into discussing a way to end the war.

With the decision made final, the committee was dismissed. But they would be meeting again to discuss the consequences for the Quen Matriarchy's actions for violating the prime directives of the peacekeeping union.

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