Second Battle Of Kyiv

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January 1st, 2023

"The invaders have sent another tank after us! Gunner aim at 0-2-7 right!"

"Got him! Shot out!"

A Ukrainian T-72 rocked back as it fired it's 125mm main gun, sending an APFSDS dart towards the enemy vehicle it was targeting.

The dense projectile punched through the armor of the hovering tank and exploded as it's energy capacitors overloaded from extensive damage caused by the projectile. The vehicle died as it crashed to the ground lifelessly.

Once the kill was confirmed, the tank pulled back to relocate before any of the invaders could zero in on it's position.

"That's our fifth kill this hour! These extraterrestrials think they can succeed where the Russians have failed? They're wrong!"

"Commander! Another tank in my sights this one has soldiers with it!"

"So more wish to die to us?" The auto loader in the tank readied another round in the gun. "Gunner, shoot on sight!"

"On the way!" The human tank rocked back as it sent another dart towards the enemy tank, killing it and several infantry foot soldiers who were close enough to be effected by the secondary explosions. However two more showed up and focused on the lone T-72.

"Shit, shit, shit! Driver, back us up now!"

The tank pulled back just as two lasers from both alien tanks missed and hit a nearby building, melting two perfect holes in the walls.

"Reposition us and keep our hull away from their guns! One hit and we're done!"

The tank maneuvered around the battlespace to find a suitable position to shoot at the alien tanks from without putting itself in a vulnerable position. Meanwhile the aliens tanks gave pursuit to try and get a shoot on the human vehicle and kill it. Despite their ability to hover, they weren't as fast or agile as the treaded tank. Also they lacked a turret to traverse their guns freely.

Turning around a building, the first tank was hit by another APFSDS and blew up like all other tanks before it. Scoring another kill, the T-72 drove off to reposition before the other tank could get a shot on it.

Infantry were able to find and shoot the human tank with their energy weapons which started melting the armor or setting off the ERA panels across the hull. The tank has already lost several of it's ERA after previous battles against the invaders. In kind the tank responded with it's 7.62mm coax machine gun which was able to make short work of the armored soldiers attacking it.

Once the second tank showed up, it was instantly killed as an APFSDS to the center mass blew it up from an explosion inside. All threats were eliminated, for now.

"I will need a whole bottle of vodka once we're done here."

"Commander we got another tank on the field!" Looking through his sights, the commander spotted what he wasn't expecting to see out here.

Another human tank. But this one was a T-80, and it had Russian markings on it, and it was looking right at his tank.

"Should I fire commander?" The gunner asked as he had his sights lined up with the enemy tank.

However before any order could be given, the Russian tank adjusted it's gun away from the Ukrainian tank and fired at something else. That something else was another alien tank which blew up in the same manner as the Ukrainians have been killing them.

"Do not fire. It seems we may have an unexpected, yet a welcomed ally with us."

Both tanks, despite their differences and previous history, disregarded each other's national affiliations and met with the same ideas. Destroy the alien menace.

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