Aftermath and Discoveries

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July 11th, 2230
Atlantic System, Cetacea Prime

Ever since their surprise attack on the quen home world, humanity has remained busy as they pushed the offensive to put more stress on the quen leadership, hoping to convince them that surrendering was the best option.

Also the results they got from the peacekeeping union was promising with Monitor 002 hacking into their headquarters and sending the results back to UEDF. Now they just needed to wait for the union fleet to enter human space with the envoys. In the meantime, over a quarter of all active human ships have received the upgrades from the super intendant AI with the shipyard rings being improved to add the upgrades to future ships. Within the rest of the year, all of mankind's vessels would be deemed more powerful than any other vessel across the galaxy.

Using these ships, the human fleets quickly steamrolled through dreadnought after dreadnought, battlestation after battlestation, and were capturing planets and star systems at twice the rate they previously made. Plans were also being drafted for the construction of a new class of ship, even larger than the current Crux-class carriers. However due to the larger mass of these new vessels, special shipyard facilities will have be to be constructed since the shipyards on the ring facilities and orbital stations aren't big enough.

Meanwhile another inhabited planet was just liberated, with the human armada arriving in orbit and either destroying or driving back the subjugation forces occupying the planet. The planet, now dubbed as Cetacean Prime, was actually a moon with an almost entire ocean covered surface within an immense ice ring orbiting a green gas giant. The inhabitants were referred to by the quen as species 11 and 10 and were cetacean like races similar to killer whales and dolphins found back on earth, but featured anthropomorphic physical traits.

Upon liberating and making contact, both races had forgotten who they were, having been stripped of their identity and pacified to such an extent they've forgotten their past and identity, with both races undergoing an immense identity crisis after suffering from almost 700 years of enslavement. They also seemed to lack their own freewill, unsure what to do now that their owners were gone. It was because of this the UECC issued a rehabilitation act for species 11 and 10 and any other further races the quen may have inflicted the same atrocities on. As for new identities, humanity decided to dub species 11 as Orcas and species 10 as Dolphins considering their similarities to the Earth based marine mammals.

Other issues were brought up regarding the overall health of not just the two native races, but the planet in general as the quen had harvested it's oceans for deuterium using extractors which have been destroyed in the battle and were being picked apart by salvage bots. However lasting damage has been done, with almost 20% of the planet's ocean gone, resulting in the natural ecosystem being destroyed and the natural diet of the orca and dolphin species having gone extinct. Fortunately an alternative was found when fish based food items were brought from the mess halls of the ships in orbit, finding that herring, salmon, tuna, and cod were accepted by their digestive systems. Meanwhile plans were being made to use the ice ring to bring water back to the planet and revive the ecosystem using marine plants exported from Earth and other planets.

Both the dolphins and orca weren't faring well before or after mankind's arrival, with all member of both races suffering from deficiencies in their health due to poor diet, overwork, and improper living conditions. Everyone of them was suffering from skeletal deformities, malnutrition, and severe tissue scarring from constant sunburns. Some were even blind or suffering from other issues from the constant poor quality of health.

It made almost every human working on the planet sick and grow disdain for the quen after seeing the atrocities they committed against not just one, but two sentient species. This made them realize just what would've been humanity's fate had they the lost the 1st battle of Earth. The entirety of the Solar System and all human colonies in other stars were outraged once the news reached them, adding more fuel for the war effort to bring an end to the Quen Matriarchy's reign of subjugation.

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