2nd Battle of Earth

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February 20th, 2077
Earth Fleet

"This is Admiral Crux to all ships of the Earth Fleet. The enemy fleet has arrived and is approaching our position. All hands, prepare for imminent combat!"

"General Quarters! General Quarters! All hands man your battle stations! This is not a drill!"

The immense fleet built around Earth was mobilized as it prepared to engage the incoming alien ships. Unlike the one at Mars, this fleet was larger and was accompanied by a battlestation constructed in orbit around the planet, built with an array of weapons to defend itself and the planet. Once there were three shipyards had expanded into ten shipyards with the development of a super shipyard that could built multiple ships at a time.

Taking part in Earth's defense was a massive fleet of 200 Terran-class missile frigates, 20 Sol-class drone carriers, and 10 new Fortress-class missile cruisers.

The cruiser ships were built based on the same hull as the Sol-class carriers, with the difference being their arsenal. Two bow facing 508mm railguns, eight anti-ship missile modules with 20 cells each, two nuclear nuclear missile modules with 10 cells each, six 50mm coilgun batteries, and two 155mm coilgun batteries. In addition to it's arsenal, the ship was refitted with an additional module for carrying 10 repair UAVs to support itself and other ships within proximity. The space used for carrying UAV fuel on the carriers was replaced with extra armor to increase survivability.

"Admiral, the enemy fleet has reached 100,000 kilometers out and is closing rapidly. It would appear they're not stopping as they did back at Mars."

"It would seem they're learning from our previous battle." Admiral Crux noted as he observed the movements of the enemy ships. They actually now started to divide their forces into ten smaller groups, with a Mothership in each guarded by 100 Dreadnoughts. "Just like we predicted in scenario 090. All groups scatter and take up firing positions. Launch all UAVs in a fighter screen.

The fleet around Earth became mobile as they divided into ten groups with 10 frigates, 2 carriers, and a cruiser each. The UAVs began launching from their carriers, mobilizing into an immense swarm of 10,800 drones while 1,300 drones remained to repair ships that sustain any damage in battle.

In response, the Motherships started launching their fighters in mass. However they did not advance ahead like they did back at Mars. Instead they took up formations with the capital ships which increased speed towards the human fleet.

"They're trying to close the distance to engage us in proximity. They know they're as good as dead if they maintain a distance and attack with fighters. Smart, but it's gonna take more than new strategy to overcome us." Admiral Crux commented as he replayed this scenario from the simulators in his head. He managed to overcome, and complete three other simulations like this.

"All cruisers fire at will! Use of nuclear missiles is authorized. Frigates, take up positions ahead and form a defensive screen for our carriers and cruisers. UAVs, engage once the missiles have reached their intended target."

The cruisers of each fleet engaged as they opened the cells of their nuclear-missile modules, firing out missiles equivalent in size to the anti-ship missile, but loaded with a special warhead. Each missile carried a blast yield of 1 megaton each, enough to severely cripple a Mothership with a direct hit. Meanwhile they already started firing with their powerful railguns, targeting the ships along the outer edges of each group.

The incoming shells inflicted catastrophic damage as they easily punched through the outer armor and breached the inner sections. The resulting damage killed modules and caused immense depressurization across every section effected. One of the shots hit something critical when an array of weapons aboard a Dreadnought suddenly went critical and overloaded.

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