Interstellar Expansion II

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January 30th, 2222

Another issue regarding mankind's expansion/conquest across the galaxy was the encounter of other sentient alien life forms, which happened earlier than they preferred. How would they regard other races based on their affiliations, technology, and culture? This resulted in the creation of the three lists, labeled as the White List, Grey List, and Black List.

The White List would label alien races humanity liked and had good standing relations with. The Yoroi were already but on this list as a protectorate race.

The Grey List labeled alien races humanity wasn't sure on, with neither hostile nor friendly relations."

The Black List labeled alien races humanity didn't like and were considered enemies of mankind. The Quen Matriarchy were put on this list immediately after it was made official.

As mankind expanded further, and encountered new alien civilizations, this list would expand and keep track of current relations across the galaxy.

As far as relations with the Yoroi tribes, the UEDF would establish a presence on the surface and within in orbit of their homeworld following the transportation and distribution of extraterrestrian aid to improve relations. An agreement was made where the UEDF would not interfere with native lifestyle, and would only take full control over the planet following an emergency involving spacial threats. Regarding trade, the Yoroi didn't have much domestically the UEDF wanted, but they were provided with basic and advanced tools for them to use as they pleased, with knowledge and parts on how to repair and maintain them. In return the UEDF was granted sovereign territory to build a surface garrison and port for docking ships.

At this point, mankind would put a brief pause in their expansion across the Orion Arm, using this time to develop infrastructure across the planets they've taken under their control. This was to accommodate for the resource and logistic requirements that would be needed to expand the front on a galactic scale.

The plan was to continue the offense in 2230 with more ships and the logistics to maintain them. Resources were put into colonizing the habitable and inhabitable planets now owned by mankind. Meanwhile they still continued to deal with skirmishes against quen ships which entered into human space in efforts to retake the lost systems. Each attempt failed as they were met with a small defense fleet and array of battlestations waiting for them.

A few new projects were brought up to expand the UEDF's military capacity, with the reverse engineering of energy shields to protect stationary assets, and large enough to possibly shield an entire planet. It was also a goal to figure out it's biggest flaw to allow them to operate within starships, without functioning as a double edged sword so ships could still attack enemy ships with the shields up.

Another project brought up was the construction of another ring shipyard facility like the one already around Saturn. The location for the project would be within the Tau Ceti star system around one of it's mineral rich uninhabitable planets.

A new UAV was under development, taking up of the role of a bomber with greater anti-ship capabilities compared to standard combat UAVs. These new drones would improve the anti-ship capabilities and combat effectiveness of all active carriers.

Meanwhile other improvements were being made to already existing technology such as faster FTL drives, more efficient targeting modules for farther engagement distance, and advanced communication systems for increased speed of sending and receiving transmissions across space.

Reports from recent skirmishes have shown ships actually receiving damage after they encountered enemy ships utilizing missile type weapon systems for the first time. This was met with all large ship types to be modified to add on CIWS batteries for protection, and another frigate being designed as an anti-missile ship.

The Carilion II-class anti-missile frigate, which was developed around the same hull of the existing Carilion I-class recon frigate. The overall ship and performance was the same, with the changes being an improved CIC and six twin 50mm coilgun batteries. Other advancements were being made for future CIWS weaponry such as laser and missile based systems.

Five additional fleets were built, following the Home Defense Fleet, 2nd Offensive Fleet, and the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Response Fleets. These would maintain the security of Earth and all her colonies. Meanwhile 10 reconnaissance squadrons were constructed to fly within enemy space to map out and identify high value targets for fleets to strike in the future.

Alpha Centauri was already showing major development with increased population from further expeditions by colonial fleets. The planet of Alpha Centauri Cb already had it's first cities built across the surface, and an array of orbital facilities now serving as docking hubs and shipyards for increased development of starships. The planet was given a new designation, being dubbed by it's settlers as New Earth for it featured a mass, gravitational pull, and terrain near similar to that of the blue planet. Future terraforming projects would soon give it rights to such a name.

Barnard's Star and it's gas giant exoplanet were setup as a major refueling hub with the fuel and refinery stations assembled and operational along with their defensive battlestations. Two attacks from quen fleets have already been thwarted since the final construction.

The system of Tau Ceti has seen some serious progress, especially on planets e and f given their habitable nature. This allowed for colonization to work easier and quicker with the first cities already constructed in just 2 years of settlement. The planets were renamed as Arid and Tundra based on their overall climates.

Back in the Solar System, more progress has been made with mining facilities now setup across the Kuiper Belt and surrounding Oort Cloud. Mars has increased in development with a population now reaching 50 million people across the surface living in dome covered cities.

Earth was in the best state it has ever been since the pre-industrial eras, with the planet now actually being given the chance to heal after humanity polluted it for many generations.

The economy has expanded with the first ever commercial interplanetary ships now hitting the markets, providing even further opportunities for the common man to make a living. Ranging from personal shuttlecraft to large cargo hullers commonly referred to as 'Space Trucks'.

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