The United Earth Defense Front

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September 5th, 2023
UN General Assembly Hall

"This meeting is now in session!" The UN secretary-general announced as all ambassadors from all participating nations took their seats to address the latest issues following the destruction of the alien ship.

As of recently, space agencies have been at work searching through space for anymore traces of the alien invaders who attacked their planet for the majority of the year. The results came in, and more aliens were found closer than what humanity felt comfortable with.

It was discovered that the aliens have occupied parts of the Solar System beyond the Asteroid Belt, with installations and ships found across Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune along with their moons and other large orbiting bodies across the Solar System.

This discovery pressed concerns for a possible second invasion after humanity fought the aliens off in the first. Still, the nations across the globe were still recovering after suffering intensive damage to infrastructure and industry, while also dealing with severe loss life numbering in 55 million lives total, the majority being civilians.

Addressing this, something had to be done, and a decision needed to be made on how humanity should respond to this ongoing alien threat in space.

"Our country is still currently picking up the pieces after our continuous fighting against Russian forces before the Alien forces arrived." The Ukrainian ambassador spoke up. "Our entire country is crippled and unable to support itself without foreign aid. Even after fending off the aliens the first time, it is uncertain that we may survive the next attack."

"It is possible that the aliens will come in greater numbers," The British ambassador predicted. "And that they will unlikely make the same mistakes they did against us before. We held the element of surprise after they underestimated our militaries. Now they likely know what we're capable of, and will adjust their strategies to prepare better."

"Agreed. Especially after we dealt with that ocean harvesting platform and destroyed their ship using our nuclear arsenal." The American ambassador added. "It would be more of a struggle should we have to deal with more threats like that in our current state."

The UN representatives began discussing with one another on the potential threat that could come from a second invasion bringing with it a larger force. In conclusion, while all major nations may survive, the lesser nations would succumb under the alien forces as they were in no state to repel the second invasion on their own.

"What about the crash sites in both Poland and the United States?" The German Ambassador stood up a asked. "Shouldn't there be a treasure trove of technology we can use to exploit and prepare against the aliens should they invade again? Has anything been recovered and documented from the wrecks?"

"As far as I'm aware right now, the area around Site A is currently under recovery process for anything salvable from the alien ship." The American ambassador answered. "Please be informed that any and all discoveries found will be shared internationally once we understand what we've uncovered and documented."

"Same can be declared with Site B." The Polish Ambassador announced. "Once we've found anything significant from the wreckage, all documents and discoveries will be released internationally for any who are interested in the alien ship."

So far this seemed to contempt a majority of all nations involved, with only a minority demanding that the alien tech be destroyed, or confined for major nations only.

"This endeavor is not only a threat to our respective nations, but a threat to the entirety of the human race." A solution needed to be found, as no nation alone could resolve what was soon to come. Humanity needed a plan for it to continue prospering while under threat.

"Might I make a suggestion?" The ambassador of the United States asked to the entire assembly. "Perhaps we should establish a multinational organization whose sole focus is the preservation of mankind, and a response force against extraterrestrial threats."

Several other ambassadors began speaking to each other their opinions on the proposed plan. The secretary-general was also intrigued by this idea. "What should be consisted within this organization as a solution to the alien threat?"

"A military, industrial, and scientific organization which should comprise of all nations looking forward to the future of mankind. With our combined strengths and resources, we should have a chance in fending off future alien attacks, and building towards preparations for the long run."

These ideas quickly gained a lot of favor amongst the ambassadors who saw this plan as a promising solution, where the human race would both survive, and their nations would thrive while still recovering.

"This sounds promising. Very well then, we shall continue discussion later on the formation of this new international organization. In the meantime, we'll pause for lunch break before moving onto other issues need resolving."

A thus, the United Earth Defense Front was established and put into action on September 30th. This new organization would become humanities primary military force when it came to combating the aliens, inducting military branches from many countries across the globe. It also merged individual science and research institutes which would focus on spearheading new technological discoveries using the acquired alien assets from the battle.

Meanwhile, individual nations would focus on rebuilding their cities and infrastructure. Repair all the damage that was caused as a result of the alien attacks. Lesser nations of course relied on the greater nations for support and relief, putting a strain on available resources for the reconstruction efforts.

A solution was found through the UEDF whose focus was on the expansion into space, starting with the moon. Using available launch vehicles and years of development, they established the first ever human extraterrestrial settlement on the lunar surface. Setting up a semi-sustainable colony and an excavation site for the mining and extraction of resources across the surface, before sending them back to Earth to help continue the reconstruction process.

In the following decade leading up to 2035, over 90% of the Earth was restored, with cities being rebuilt and even seeing major improvements compared to their pre-invasion states. With the planet's stability secured, the UEDF turned it's focus on interplanetary travel and weapons development, using the new alien tech they acquired to further advance their scientific discoveries and uncover new technologies.

As for the aliens, they had full custody of all captured POWs and learned much about their new enemy. Starting with their language and biology.

They were humanoid with a digitigrade legs structure sporting two large toes, and a pair of arms sporting three fingers instead of four like humans. Regarding gender, all accounted prisoners were found female, leaving speculation regarding the male counterpart. They breathed oxygen through a pair of lungs similar to the human respiratory system, and have a single heart which manages blood circulation. However their eyes are very sensitive to UV light and they suffer heavily from skin damage when exposed to the sun for even a minute, suggesting they came from a natural environment with little to no exposure from sunlight. Their digestive system is fit for a fungivory diet in which they consume a specific fungus not native to earth, which has been acquired and cultivated to continue feeding the prisoners.

By decrypting their language, a lot of intel was discovered regarding the identity, culture, and motives of the invaders. They're called the Quen Matriarchy, a female dominant species whose territory expands across a hundred star systems across this quadrant of the galaxy. They're currently one of eighteen other races that are part of an interstellar organization similar to the role and status of the UN on Earth. Their main motive of invading Earth was to occupy the solar system, exploit it's resources, and subjugate the indigenous species of Earth. Apparently their attempts failed as they lacked any sufficient equipment to counter against ballistic and kinetic weapons, a result from the continuous development of energy based weaponry across the galaxy.

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