Operation Egg Smasher

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July 20th, 2200

"So uh, you hear about the results from previous attempts to break that dome?"

"Affirmative. So far they've made zero noticeable progress against the durability. I even heard our Mammoths wasted all their ammunition to no avail."

"Damn, seems they actually got some hardware that can actually take a hit. So what's our next course of action?"

"Our cruiser's gonna deploy some it's heavy SPHs to hopefully bring it down in an artillery bombardment. If that doesn't work, command wants to try an orbital bombardment."

"Why don't we just bombard the shield from orbit in the first place?"

"Because command wants the facility inside intact so we can move in and acquire any useful information. The operations on the orbital facilities were a success, and they pulled a lot of data from the cores."

"And if even an orbital bombardment doesn't cut it?"

"Then we pull back and hit the shield with ion cannons. If that doesn't kill it, then I don't know what will."

'Operation Egg Smasher' was the decided name of this new operation, following humanity's attempt to break open an energy shield they've yet to encounter. So far all conventional methods they tried were unsuccessful, with the next experiment coming in the form of M500 Dragon mobile artillery vehicles with their powerful 240mm guns. They already tried lighter M400 Bear mobile artillery with their 155mm guns to no avail. From which they kept up a continuous bombardment for 24 hours straight.

"Vehicle in position. Lock 'er down!" The sheer size and caliber of the M500's gun required for the vehicle to lock itself down for stability before firing, or else the gun will flip the vehicle over. Several clamps extended outwards and dug into the ground, providing more surface area and stability for the vehicle as it's gun extended and aimed up to adjust for it's target.

In total, 100 Dragon artillery vehicles surrounded the alien complex and were ready to fire on demand. Around 50 M400 guns were also available to add to the oncoming barrage.

"All guns accounted for. Artillery, fire!"

The guns all roared with ferocity as they unleashed plumes of fire and smoke, sending out heavy shells with large explosive payloads. The impact of the shells left no noticeable effect as the explosive force was dispersed across the surface of the shield. Within just 5 minutes, the dome was covered in fire and smoke from the repeated bombardment of artillery.

But for the next 12 hours there was still no noticeable effect as the guns continued firing shells at the dome. Ammunition was constantly being supplied by repeated run by shuttles to and from the cruisers now hanging over the site. It continued to baffle the humans how durable this shield was as even the most powerful of artillery at their disposal showed no effect.

"Artillery is ineffective. We're gonna have to try something else." The humans stopped the bombardment after another straight 24 hours of firing, moving on to their next idea which involved the ships in low orbit.

Shortly after the artillery stopped firing, several trails of plasma coated projectiles rained down from the sky and bombarded the shield. The powerful railguns installed on the large capital ships began raining down fire on the dome. For the next 2 hours they upheld the bombardment before one section of the shield started to flicker before stabilizing itself.

"Reporting possible effect on shield. West section just flickered briefly. We must be straining it now, uphold the bombardment!"

Four another 2 hours the ships in orbit continued firing before more sections of the shield started to flicker, quickly losing stability from the constant fire from orbit. Then within the next 4 hours, parts of the shield started to fall apart before recovering briefly. They were coming close. Another 2 hours of bombardment met their goal when a part of the complex within, presumably the shield generator, overloaded in an explosion of energy. The shield finally fell apart and was unable to sustain itself anymore.

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