Battle of Alpha Centauri

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July 13, 2200
Approaching Alpha Centauri

"Admiral, sensors indicate we're coming up on the outer regions of the Alpha Centauri system. Estimate t-minus 3 minutes until we drop back into real space."

Admiral Skipper looked out through the view ports of the bridge, staring out at the warped and stretched patterns that made up tachyon space. To him, it almost reminded him of those 20th and 21st century sci-fi series, where ships would jump into hyperspace or warp. Only this time it was real, and they had been traveling faster than light for almost two days reaching the closest star system to their own sun.

"Once we drop out, order our recon frigates to scout ahead and identify enemy positions. I want intel on this area before we commence our attack on any hostile assets." The Quen were definitely here as they had traced retreating ships fleeing to this system, and picked up a lot of alien activity on stellar observation facilities across the Solar System.

Once they had arrived at their destination, every ship dropped out of FTL and reappeared within the outskirts of a new star system no man made object has ever reached before. It would've been such a breath taking achievement, had the humans come to explore rather than conquer.

Staring out at a set of three new stars, Admiral Skipper observed where they were, confirming it that they were well beyond Sol, and in an entirely new region of space. However it wasn't silent as long range sensors detected the presence of alien ships moving about the planets, two orbiting Alpha Centauri C, and another orbiting around Alpha Centauri A.

The first course of action to take place was the Carilion frigates to push ahead and begin their deep reconnaissance on the star system to locate alien bases and ship formations. Meanwhile the rest of the armada slowly moved in, giving the frigates time to locate targets of opportunity for them to strike.

Within just 24 hours, they managed to locate all present alien facilities and ships within the star system.

Fleet Alpha with 55 ships total, Fleet Bravo with 500 ships total, 10 orbital bases around the planet of Alpha Centauri A, 1 surface base on the planet of Alpha Centauri A, 20 orbital bases orbiting the planets of Alpha Centauri C, and 2 surface based on both planets of Alpha Centauri C.

"All vessels engage attack pattern alpha, focus on the nearest fleet of enemy vessels." The closest concentration of quen ships was Fleet Alpha which was passing them at about 100,000,000 kilometers away. An easy target to start off the offensive within this system as all ships aligned into the designated formation with the battlecruisers leading the charge.

Meanwhile, the recon frigates located suitable positions and engaged their stealth mode, masking their signature from alien sensors. It was discovered that the quen tracked ships by locating power signatures, and emissions from engine burning. Stealth mode was minimizing energy output from the reactors and shutting down the engines entirely. The system was specifically designed so that if the ship was discovered either way, they could quickly reactivate the engines and bring the reactor back up to full output within 3 seconds, allowing the ship to escape from danger.

This feature also made them perfect vessels for guerrilla tactics as they could hide away within asteroids or around celestial objects and ambush their opponents whenever they drew close enough.

Within just a few hours, the entire human armada was upon the smaller quen fleet which was patrolling through the system. These ships were not like the Dreadnoughts or Motherships humanity encountered and fought against. Instead they were much smaller, reaching only 707 meters in length and lightly armed. Only one ship that was in the middle was larger than the rest at 1106 meters with better armaments.

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