The Matriarchy

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December 30th, 2229
Ceres Sal, Quen Prime

"This is an absolute disgrace and disaster m'lady! Thousands of ships and thousands more of our people have been lost to the aggressive actions of species 13! They've already achieved spacial dominance and control over several systems surrounding their home star! Every attempt we make to retake those systems have ended in failure, and even our most powerful of ships cannot match their weapons! How are we supposed to handle this growing crisis where our territory is now under constant threat by a primitive foe?"

The Quen Matriarchy was in chaos and panic for several years since the dawn of Species 13's rise to power. What they at first believed to become another simple subjugation of an inferior race was turned into an all out war. Other races, spacing faring ones as well, were known to being aggressive with honorable warrior based cultures. But this Species 13, these humans were pure violence with a significant lack of honor.

To address the rising threat, the entire Matriarch Council and the Empress herself have been summoned to again discuss the threat humankind poses to their society. The topic of the human threat has been a hush topic, with the war being kept secret from the public to mitigate risk of the Galactic Peace Keeping Union getting involved with their affairs. An action which would result in discovering their forced labor of lesser races and expel their place within the union, and possibly lead to harsh sanctions and war.

"Bring me up to speed on Species 13 again." The current empress, Kwan Ha requested as an aid tapped into a handheld console to display the recorded data on Species 13.

"Species 13 your majesty," The aid announced as holograms containing images and summaries appeared within the chamber. "Also known by other names such as homosapiens or humans. They're an intelligent bipedal race which features diverse characteristics based on the diverse climates from their home planet. Features include difference in head shape, height, and skin tone. When first encountered, they were a sub-space faring civilization having reached their moon and established many unmanned vehicles within orbit of their planet. One thing that does stand out from most races we've encountered and conquered would be how adaptable they are to hostile environments and the practice of war."

The humans are a force to be reckoned with, and the quen have already paid dearly for underestimating them for far too long. Among the council, members began speaking about the Demons. Creatures from old religion that spread chaos and havoc upon worlds they encounter. Monsters with an unquenchable thirst for blood and death. Laying ruin to entire civilizations and bringing about the worst of morals. These humans greatly resembled such creatures from those religions, and it actually scared a few members of the council.

"They are indeed a unique race." The empress commented. "I believe that was the first mistake my great grandmother made regarding them. What information do we have on their capabilities as of this moment?"

"M'lady, the human warships are greatly superior to ours in terms of weaponry and protection, however they're still slower than ours which gives our fleets the ability to retreat without being pursued. However this has also resulted in us gaining no victories against them."

"Their ground forces are also a serious threat! They've been able to deploy armies planet side with the support of aircraft and large capital ships capable of atmospheric flight. This gives them an advantage as none of our ships are able to maintain control or altitude within the influence of a planet's atmosphere."

"And why is that?" The empress asked the council member who just spoke.

"Because your majesty, we just didn't see the need for a ship with those capabilities when we can just deploy our assets from space. It would seem they've developed and deployed concepts we've never deemed necessary or never even heard of. They're just ahead of us militarily."

That was the problem. The quen, even in the past, have never partook heavily in warfare against one another. This lead to a stagnation in development of weapons and war doctrines by the time they ascended into the space age. A lot of their weaponry was adapted from limited exports provided by other civilizations, which they then used to defend their assets and subjugate other races they deemed inferior to theirs. Now they were paying the price for being so ignorant. It has been only since their encounter with the humans that they've started developing their own weapons and technology, but the process was slow going for them.

"Our options are to either to eliminate the human threat as quickly as possible, contact the GPKU and get their assistance, or try to establish a truce with the humans, neither of which are easy given the circumstances." The empress explained. "The odds are not in our favor."

"We have some positive news so far m'lady." One of the council members declared. "So far it would seem the humans have paused their expansion for the past several years, but have been using this time to develop across the stars they've taken. We don't know when their war machine is gonna start up again and we continue to lose more systems."

"Then we must fortify our systems surrounding their territory, given how those will be the first targets under attack once they start expanding again. I want our fleets to be diverted to those stars in anticipation for the human ships. But do so in a discreet manner that the Union doesn't detect that we're in a war. We need to get this crisis under control or we'll all be at risk!" The empress commanded to which the council had no objections.

"We've been across space for almost an entire millennium. These humans have only been in space for well over a century. I will not see our society being conquered by the likes of them!"

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