Chapter 59

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TRIGGER WARNING: discussion of a sensitive topic near end of chapter.

***Niall's P.O.V.***

"On yer knees, Navaeh," I said as I tugged at the buttons of my pants with a frustrated glare making my brows furrow.

Okay, before you jump to any wild conclusions, I have a perfectly reasonable explanation for why I was reading smut (that's what our fans called it, right?) about Navaeh and I. It was all perfectly innocent... Well, it started out perfectly innocent...

Navaeh was at the grocer's; she had noticed that we were running low on food and she offered to go get some essential stuff. While she was gone I was scrolling through Twitter to keep myself occupied and I happened to stumble across a tweet from one of the fans that I followed. Apparently the fans had went wild after I Tweeted some very... colorful things to a popular entertainment news site when they had the nerve to say that Navaeh was some broken bitch that was using me for my money. I guess the fans got a kick out of it; the fan that I followed had retweeted a link to some fanfiction that was centered around it. Everything had started normally enough, but then it took an unexpected turn and I was suddenly reading something that wasn't innocent at all.

I hadn't stopped reading it; my eyes skimmed over the words so quickly that I thought it was impossible. I never liked reading anything, but it was almost as if I was sucked into it and I couldn't help but to imagine it all. The words made my hair stand on end and I could feel a shiver run through my body. To be far; I was a guy and I had my moments of weakness. Plus, living with the girl you love and constantly having her around wasn't really something that would help. I wasn't going to do anything, after all; Navaeh still needed time to heal and I wouldn't even consider trying to make any moves on her. However, the past few days had been really hard for some reason.

Navaeh had had her first therapy session the day before and I had picked her up at her old house after that. Things had just kind of gotten odd after that; it was like I was particularly drawn to her that day and I couldn't figure out why. She didn't mind my clinginess (if anything she was just as clingy throughout the day). However, with her being so close, it was difficult to keep my thoughts at bay.

"Niall! I'm home!" Navaeh's slightly cheery voice carried throughout the house as she slammed the front door behind her. I jumped about six feet in the air; my phone fumbled out of my hands and I scrambled to grab the throw pillow beside me so that I could put it on top of my lap. Just as I had placed it there, she peeked her head into the room and smiled when she saw that I was still sitting where I had been when she left. "Whatcha up to?" she wondered as she set some of the grocery bags down at the doorway and clutched a yellow book in her hands and walked towards me. Slightly panicked, I prayed that she wouldn't sit on my lap and-yep, it was in vain.

Trying to hold in a groan, I forced a smile onto my lips as I wrapped my arms around her waist and urged my voice to stay steady when I spoke. "N-nothing," another bout of wishful thinking, I guess. Thankfully, she didn't seem to notice the break in my words and she let the subject go as she leaned into my embrace. Long, slender, and feminine fingers glided over the sleek cover of the book that she was holding. Pushing away the naughty thoughts that still lingered in the back of my mind; I focused my attention on her and tapped the cover of the book. "What's this?" I questioned.

"Dr. Posa told me to check it out," she told me with a small sigh, "I was out and I saw it so I thought I might as well just get it. Apparently it'll help me a little bit." My eyes skimmed over the title and I nodded my head a little bit. "I'm not too eager to read it, though."

"You don't have to right away," I assured her while squeezing her ever so slightly, "I'm sure that he doesn't want you to read it if it's going to make you too uncomfortable." Finally, the thoughts had left almost completely and I was able to shift around without making any noises that didn't sound human.

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