Chapter 64

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***Navaeh P.O.V.***

Sometimes Niall was so impulsive that it made my mind reel. Like, we would have a full day planned and then he would just dash everything aside and suggest that we do something else. It never really bothered me; I wasn't someone who had to be in control of everything at all times which was probably a good thing. In this particular case, Niall had suggested that—instead of going to Lough Owel—we take a trip to a nearby traveling fair since I confessed that I had never, in my whole entire life, been to an amusement park or a fair.

Of course, Niall made a big deal out of the whole entire thing. He acted like I literally shot him when I told him that. Then the onslaught of questions came. Had I ever ridden on a roller coaster? Had I ever won any prizes from some attraction? What else had I been keeping from him? Despite his over dramatics, I answered all of his questions with amusement and then allowed him to pull me out of the house so that we could go to the fair ASAP.

"So you've never been to anything like this at all?" he questioned with disbelief.

"Maybe there was one time when my dad was alive," I told him with the smallest of frowns as I thought about it, "but if we did then I just can't remember it."

"Well, I simply won't stand for it," he stated with a purposely posh tone in his voice as he held his head high and his nose even higher. I couldn't help but to giggle at his antics and I took his hand in mine as he smiled back at me and continued to drive. Seriously, what would I do without this boy in my life?

It didn't take a long time to get there; we had wasted about half the day back at the house so it was getting darker outside. Also, it was a pretty bleak and overcast day so the sky was already dark. So, the fair had all of the lights on and they lit up the area in an almost... fairy tale kind of way. I don't know how else to explain it; the lights made everything look like it was encased in this beautiful glow and I was entranced by it.

Niall pulled into a place in the grass near some of the other cars there and we both got out of the car quickly. He took my hand in his as soon as we were next to each other and walking towards the place. Momentarily, he looked at the shirt that I was wearing and smiled at it like he had been doing all throughout the day. It was the 'Crazy Mofos' shirt that he had let me wear all those days ago. I never really got around to returning it to him, but I don't think he minded all that much.

"Where to first?" I wondered with a large smile as I let him pull me along. He was practically skipping along because he was so happy; it reminded me of how a little kid would act in a candy store. All of this excitement and happiness was such a great distraction from my mother's death and all of that.

"Well, I plan on winning you at least five giant stuffed animals," he joked (or at least I thought he was joking) just as we went under the large arch that was decorated with lights and such and represented the entrance of the fair. There were so many smells in the air and there was so much noise all around me. At first, it was a bit overwhelming but then it was just fantastical.

Niall didn't win me five stuffed animals (he tried really hard too, though); in the end he could only get one but I wasn't complaining (the thing was gigantic anyways). I asked him how in the world he thought we would be able to get it back to London with us, but he couldn't think up an answer. Instead, he brushed it off as a minor issue to be addressed later and just pulled me along to the next stand.

By the time that we were just about done doing everything, Niall had managed to down a milkshake and we had both devoured a funnel cake that was quite honestly delicious. He was almost drunk with happiness; his hand gripped mine a little bit tighter every time he laughed. I couldn't tell if I was enjoying it as much as he was, but I was definitely enjoying seeing how happy it all made him. There was hardly a moment where he wasn't smiling.

Eventually, we ended up sitting back in a pod on the Ferris wheel. The couple in the pod opposite of us was making out with a fiery passion and I couldn't help but to point it out to Niall with a laugh. He joined me soon after and we both slumped into each other with exhaustion as we sat there and settled down. I hugged the giant panda bear close as we sat there and I could feel his arm draped over my shoulder comfortably.

"Navaeh," he spoke up once we were at the top of the wheel's rotation. I could see lights from a town in the near distance; the rest of the fair was behind us but the noise was still there even though it was a bit dull while we were in the air. The wind, though it wasn't too windy or anything, whistled past my ears and fresh air filled my lungs wonderfully and whipped my hair around.

"Yes, Niall?" I replied expectantly.

He sighed, "You know, the Billboard Music Awards are coming up and it's the last year for the boys and I."

"That's going to be pretty big," I hummed as I closed my eyes and allowed myself to snuggle closer into his side. He sounded kind of nervous about all of this for some reason, but I chose not to dwell on it.

"Yeah, it is," he agreed with a nod of his head. His fingers had begun to pick at the sleeve of my shirt distractedly. "I was kind of wondering if you'd like to be my date for the event. You know, like a plus one type of thing."

My eyes snapped open and I sat up straight in the seat. The pod swayed ever so slightly as I looked at him with a bit of surprise. I was flattered, really I was, but I was also surprised beyond belief. Of course he didn't mean it as if I would actually be his date (like something romantic and all that jazz); I knew that he only meant a platonic kind of date. He meant the kind of date that you would offer to a best friend because you really didn't want to go alone. Was it wrong that a part of me wanted it to be something more?

He was quick to go on when he saw the expression on my face, "I know that it's a lot; there'll be a lot of people and a lot of chaos, but Elizabeth and Carson are going so you'd be able to stay with them during interviews. Plus, I'd be right there with you most of the time and we can always leave if it gets to be too much."

"I-It's so fancy, Niall," I pointed out with my tone showing just how startled I was, "and there's so many beautiful people; I would be so out of place there."

"It's not that fancy," he protested with a frown and a furrowing of his brows, "and you'd only look out of place because you'd be more beautiful than all of them." I couldn't help but to smile at that comment; my cheeks grew red but I tried to blame that on the wind that kept assaulting my face.

"But what would I wear; I don't have anything grand enough for an awards show," was my rebuttal.

Niall thought about that before supplying an answer, "I'll buy you a dress." My smile grew impossibly wide at that point and Niall acknowledged it with a wide smile of his own. "You'll go?" he wondered hopefully.

I nodded and relished in the way that the excitement danced in his eyes, "of course I'll go." 

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