Chapter 23

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***Niall's P.O.V.***

It was late Saturday night that I sent Navaeh a text begging for her to talk to me. I was beyond worried about her; we hadn't spoken to each other in what felt like forever and today I had this bad feeling about something. Maybe it was just me being extra paranoid because I hadn't had any contact with her, but I felt like something was about to go very wrong. Perhaps the feeling was from not physically being around her aside from talking to her. Honestly, I would do anything to hold her hand or hug her even if we didn't say a word to each other.

To be honest, I was preparing myself for no answer. So, when she actually called me I was ecstatic. ''Niall?'' her shaking voice questioned over the phone.

"Oh my god," I breathed out in relief as I clutched onto the phone and pressed it impossibly closer to my ear. I was more than ecstatic to hear from her right now. "Navaeh, thank god, I thought you had done something stupid for a while there."

There was a noticeably uneven sigh before she spoke, "not yet."

''Navaeh,'' my tone sounded suspicious; what the hell did she mean by that? She hadn't done anything stupid yet?

She didn't answer for a very long time, and when she did her words were laced into a heavy cry of sorrow. I could hear a slight rattling in the background, and the sound brought on another sob from her. ''I'm so sorry, Niall. I'm sorry for yelling at you and saying all that stuff about you because I really didn't mean it, okay? I just want you to know that; I just thought you should know that it wasn't your fault.''

''What are you talking about?'' I questioned while panic started to rise. Oh god, no, please let me be wrong. That bad feeling that I had was only growing, and it made me want to be sick right there. If she was going to do what I think she was going to do then... I don't know why I didn't try to contact her earlier.

''Goodbye, Niall,'' she sobbed.

''Navaeh-!'' I called, but the only sound I was greeted with was the drone of the dial tone and nothing else. The phone was out of my hand, and before I could even think about what I was doing, I was out the door. I rushed to my car and turned it on quickly before speeding to her house as fast as I could without being pulled over. When I got there, I looked up to where the window of her room was. It was dark excluding a small candle like light illuminating the blinds that blocked the view of her room. I launched myself out of the driver's seat and ran to the door of the house before giving it a hasty and loud string of knocks. After a few moments, a drunk and disheveled looking man opened the door and scowled at me.

''Go away, we don't want anything that you're selling,'' he slurred and I quickly pushed him out of the way. ''Where do you think you're going, boy!'' he screamed after me, but I just kept my pace up to Navaeh's room. Once I got there, I pushed open the slightly ajar door and then looked around the room. I could hear her step father struggling to get up the stairs, and once I concluded that she wasn't in the bedroom, I turned to her bathroom door.  There was a light coming from underneath the white door, and I rushed towards it with all the speed I could muster before banging into it. I didn't have to check if it was locked; she wanted to die and I knew that she would make damn sure that she did. She wouldn't have left it unlocked.

To my surprise, the door gave way and swung open on the third hit of my shoulder (which hurt like hell now, but I had more important things to worry about) and I could see that I was right about her locking the door. I breathed heavily from the exertion I had put myself through, and my eyes landed on her form huddled in the corner. She was as far away from the door as she could get with a pill bottle lying loosely in the palm of her hand while her body slumped uncomfortably. Acting as quickly as I could, I pulled her over to the toilet and shoved my fingers down her throat to trigger her gag reflex. The sound of her retching soon filled the bathroom, and a few pills fell from her mouth. When she was done, she still didn't wake up, and I started to panic even more than I was before. ''Shit, shit,'' I cursed before tearing the pill bottle from her hand, slipping it in my pocket, and picking up her unconscious body that was much like a ragdoll. Her head swung back and forth, and her arms dangled while I carried her quickly back down the stairs.

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