Chapter 33

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***Niall's P.O.V.***

I had been pacing around the foyer of my flat ever since Navaeh had left for school. She had ended up staying the night, and we had mainly just cuddled because we were both still mad at each other. It would blow over eventually; these things usually do, but the fact that Cody was the subject of the fight made it worse. I just couldn't understand how she didn't see what his true motives were and why she was so mad at me for trying to protect her from a broken heart.

Harry would be coming over today; for some reason he had called me up and was very insistent on hanging out at my flat. After a while I just shrugged it off; maybe he was still a bit upset about the interview and looking for reassurance. We would probably just end up playing Fifa or Mario Kart and chatting about everything and nothing. Hopefully, I wouldn't take my very small remaining anger out on him like I had last time.

So, I was just going back and forth until he got there. I had so much on my mind, and I didn't exactly know how to process everything. That fight with Navaeh had been really crazy...especially near the end. There were things that I did that I couldn't quite understand, and I was almost thankful that Harry was coming over because then I could get it all off of my chest.

When there was a knock on the door, I briskly walked to it and swung it open.  Harry stood there, his hair pulled back into a tight bun that Elizabeth had no doubt helped him with. For once, he wasn't wearing some sheer shirt. No, it was apparently the time of the year where he wore baggy sweaters and long coats because it had gotten a bit nippy outside (we were only in December, and everyone was saying that it was just going to get colder). He had decided to ditch the skinny jeans for this hang out, and his sweatpants almost matched my own. However, he was still wearing his god awful boots and I didn't think that that would change.

"Harry, I need to talk to you," I quickly began even though he had only just taken his first step into the flat. He furrowed his brows and shrugged off his long coat and then slipped his shoes off of his feet.

"Well, that's kind of why I'm here isn't-," he was starting with one of his smart ass replies, but I cut him off before he even had a chance to finish it and send a playful smile my way.

"I almost kissed Navaeh," I blurted out, and once the words were out in the open they sounded even more ridiculous than I had thought. I mean, it was insane to think that I had tried to kiss her. Would I have gone through with it if Elizabeth hadn't called? What would have happened if I had gone through with it, because-frankly-almost kissing her wasn't the only thing I had done.

"Whoa, whoa, back the fuck up," Harry halted all of his previous actions so that he could put all of his attention onto me. He was so obviously surprised by my words, but there was also something else in his eyes that made me think that he was surprised by my suddenness and not my actual stated actions. "What?" he questioned with that slow drawl of his.

"And that's not it," I went on, because I knew that he had heard what I said, "I offered to have sex with her, Harry; to be her first time. She stopped me because she didn't want me to do it because I felt like I had to, but I think I actually wanted to. What's wrong with me?" That was the question that was running through my head. I must be insane, right? That was clearly what was going on.

"Well, I would say hormones, but there's also the fact that you're unreasonably jealous," Harry shook his head while his shoulders slumped slightly. He began to walk to my living room, and I followed after him as if I was being pulled by a string.

"I am not!" I exclaimed in protest. I refused to believe that I was wrong about Cody or that my judgment was clouded. That was basically what everyone thought, though, and if I wasn't insane for my recent actions then I would surely go insane from no one believing me.

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