Chapter 37

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***Niall's P.O.V.***

"Now, these are her baby pictures so be careful with them," Navaeh's mother feigned a serious tone when she said the last part, and I couldn't help but to chuckle at it. I took the photo album from her hands and thanked her before she had a chance to go back into the kitchen. I had the slightest of views of Navaeh from where I sat on the living room couch, and she was so blushy over her mother giving me the photos that it was quite adorable. While a fond and slightly giddy smile, I opened the book of photos. 

I flipped through picture after picture; there were so many that it was insane. From what I could see, she had been a very happy baby. Almost all of the pictures of her were a view of her smiling and laughing like babies did. There were a select few where she was crying, and I had to chuckle when I saw them because it was just too cute not to. I paused shortly whenever I came across a picture of her with her father. They were some of the happiest pictures; everyone seemed to have a smile in the pictures that he was in. Even I had to let a wider grin line my face when I saw one of them.

Navaeh came out of the kitchen when she was finished with her food, but I knew that she was going to be going back into the room in order to help her mother with the dishes. She walked over to me first though, completely ignoring her step father. I put my arm over her shoulders and pulled her into my side when she sat down next to me. She giggled at my actions and I only pointed to some of the pictures and joked with her about them until her mother called her back into the kitchen.

Once again, I was left to flip through the photo album and chuckle at the beautifully photographed pictures. It was still a wonder to me that such an innocent person could be treated so awfully by a monster like the one sitting next to me. With that thought, I felt my hands grip the photo album tightly. My knuckles were practically turning white when I finally spoke up,

"I'm just curious; how could ya? She's perfect, and it's sick... what you do to her is just sick," I sighed while I spoke. When I looked over at him I could see the clearly pissed off expression on his face. He had pretty much been regarding me with that expression for a majority of the night. It would only leave his face when he was being watched by Navaeh's mother.

"It's none of your business, boy; you should just stay out of it. Drop this whole Ireland thing and leave her alone; I don't need her to be fucking some prissy boy," he grumbled back while setting the beer bottle in his hand down onto the coffee table.

My cheeks must have been the color of a fire truck at that point from the immense anger that was building up. Every word he said was bringing me closer and closer to physically hurting him right there and then. "First of all, I'm not fucking Navaeh, and-if I was-that would be our choice that you would have no control over. And I'm definitely taking her to Ireland; it'd be better than knowing that she was stuck in this shit hole with you." He sneered at me, but I spoke again before he could even try to muster up words. "And you better not lay a hand on her after I bring her back or I swear to god I'll-."

"What will you do, pretty boy?" he snapped out as he cut me off, "you're nothing compared to me; you couldn't even look like a threat if you tried."

"Just because I might not be able to beat you shitless doesn't mean I don't know somebody who could, cunt," I growled out, and he shut up after hearing that. He probably knew my status, and if he knew that then he could most likely figure out that I could at least hire someone who would be able to knock his filthy head off. "And maybe then, you'll get a taste of what Navaeh has to put up with while dealing with your sorry ass." He was about to speak, but his words were interrupted by Navaeh,

"Niall, it's nine thirty!" Navaeh called from the kitchen, and I looked at my own watch to confirm the time. While sending one last glare towards her step father, I rose from the couch and walked into the kitchen so that I could meet Navaeh halfway. Her hands were still a little sudsy from the soapy water in the sink, but she wiped them so that she would be able to follow me to the door.

"Thank you for having me over, Mrs. Smith, it was a pleasure to have dinner with all of you," I spoke to her mother once Navaeh was in front of me and moving to guide the way to the door. Mrs. Smith turned to look towards me, and she smiled before replying,

"It was a pleasure to have you over, sweetheart." With that, I gave a small wave of goodbye and let Navaeh pull me towards the front door. I'm sure that the whole house could hear her small giggling when I started to tickle her by poking her sides. I was just trying to get rid of the anger from talking to her step father, and her giggles were the perfect way to do just that. Plus, I was beyond happy to be hanging out with her again after that whole month. Then there was the fact that she would be going with me to Ireland.

I would be lying if I said that I hadn't thought about it before. I was actually considering asking her to go with me before the question of Christmas was even brought up. After all, I had figured that she would be alone with her step father, and no one should have to be alone with him on such a joyous part of the year. So, I was eager to get her out of that house. Plus, I had promised my mother a while back that she would be able to meet Navaeh s soon as possible. It looked like I would be living up to my promise after all.

Once she had closed the door to the house behind us and we were standing on the porch, she looked up at me with a wide and awe filled smile. "Ireland, Niall?" she let out the words with disbelief laced into them, and I only nodded happily. We were both so giddy in that moment that it was quite honestly laughable.

"You're going to love it," I assured her, and my hands traced up and down her arms because she was shivering from the frigid air and I desperately trying to keep her a tiny bit warm. It was true, though; I was confident that she was going to have a great time in Ireland. After all, it was beautiful there and the people were definitely colorful. She had always talked to me about how much she wanted to see different places, and this would let her do that.

"Please, if you're there I know I will," she smiled which only made me grin with bliss. I raised one of my hands so that I could cup her cheek and run my thumb over it like she had earlier in the morning. With a fond smile lining my lips, I watched as she let her eyes closed a leaned into the gentle touch.

"I love you, my little Crazy Mofo."

"Oh, shut up, Horan."

"I'm seriously hurt," I guffawed while smacking a hand onto my chest to accompany the words. It managed to get another giggle from her which lifted my spirits. This was making all of my feelings go through the roof, honestly. I felt like my heart would explode from swelling with joy. The things she could do to my heart these days was ridiculous.

"Such a baby," she joked before enveloping me in a hug, "I love you too, Niall."


Ugh, I am not the biggest fan of this chapter, but I have to live with it for now. Ireland is coming soon :)


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