Chapter 67

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***Niall's P.O.V.***

The award show was just ending by the time that I turned in my seat and saw something that made me do a double take. Navaeh was slumped in her seat with a lazy smile smacked onto her lips as she clutched a champagne glass between her fingers. My eyes practically popped out of my head when I was able to see that she was, in fact, drinking champagne and not some sort of bubbly.

Quickly and as discreetly as possible, I practically ripped the glass from her hand only to earn a few whines of protest from Navaeh. She reached for the glass when I set it down on the table, but I grabbed her shoulders to keep her back and forced her to look me in the eyes. The others at the table were starting to stare in attempt to figure out what was going on, but I paid them no attention. Panicking slightly, I spoke in a demanding tone, "Navaeh, how many glasses of that did you have?"

She hiccupped before wiping the edge off her mouth, "only a few."

Fuck, I should've been paying more attention to her. Why the hell was she even drinking it? She's only eighteen which means that's illegal in the states and she hates alcohol anyway. Not to mention it was champagne; that stuff was fancy and seemed frilly but it could get you fucked faster than beer sometimes. She was such a tiny girl too; it wouldn't take much for her to be completely plastered and it wouldn't take much for her to seriously hurt herself. Fuck, fuck, fuck, why was there alcohol on the table in the first place? No one wanted it.

"How many?" I repeated with a deathly serious tone in my voice.

"Like four," she told me, counting them off on her fingers sloppily. Considering that two was enough to get Harry all wobbly at that one awards show we went to, the words were a little concerning. Navaeh was what? Forty-eight kilos? Forty-nine? Would she be able to handle four glasses? Fuck, why did she do this?

"You're sure?" I questioned while shaking her just a bit.

"Do I look like I'm lying?" she slurred with a smirk resting on her lips and a raised brow. Her head teetered in its spot a little as if she was having a small trouble with keeping it up on her own.

With an aggravated sigh, I answered, "frankly, I can't tell because you're fucking wasted."

"Niall," Elizabeth piped up from her spot with wide eyes, "getting mad at her isn't going to solve anything." Dammit, I wished that she wasn't always right. With a heavy sigh of defeat, I let go of Navaeh's shoulders just as she giggled slightly. I leaned back in my chair and rubbed at my temples in an attempt to push away the frustration. Everyone else in the large venue wasn't paying us any attention; they were all getting up to go.

I took another glance at Navaeh and then sighed once again, "I should get her back to the hotel before she gets in trouble." Our major problem was getting her past the paps without having them figuring out that she's drunk because then the headlines would be something like; Niall Horan Lets His Underage Date Drink Her Weight In Alcohol. I didn't want that and I was pretty sure that Navaeh would be upset about it as well.

"You can't leave, Niall," Liam protested right away and I snapped my gaze over to him with a questioning raise of my brows. "What about the after-show interviews and pictures? They're really expecting us to all be out there since this is our last year."

I cursed, but Carson soon spoke up, "Niall, how about I'll act like I'm tipsy to draw attention away from her and Liz and I will get her to the limo so that you guys can do the interviews and all that. I'm twenty-four so it'll be okay if I'm the one who's drunk off their ass."

"Ah wow, Carson, thanks," I gushed as she and Elizabeth got up in order to help Navaeh onto her feet, "that's really great of you." She told me not to mention it as she slung her arms around Navaeh and Elizabeth and began to walk with them towards the exit. My eyes followed them until I couldn't see them anymore.  Thankfully, the boys didn't try to tease me about the whole ordeal; they could see how frustrated I was and I really just wanted to get done with the post award show interviews so that I could get Navaeh back to the hotel.

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