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Lucas felt like screaming into his pillow. Why had he done that?? Cupping her face had felt natural, almost magnetic. But he should have known better! But in the moment... he sighed.

Damn that Sophia and her strange questions!!

Fighting pirates hadn't been the only thing Sophia and he had done on their way back to the mountains.  They had several occasions to talk as well. Sophia had known Lucas was going back to see Amicia, and she had asked all sorts of confusing questions. "How long has it been? When did you see Amicia last? Have you heard any news of her? Has she found any other carriers? Has she found anyone special? Have you found anyone special? Any special ladies? No? Did you have anyone in mind? Are you sure?"

Lucas had been so focused on his mission that the thought of women, family, and a regular life had hardly entered his mind even though most people his age were well into marriage and had several children. But with Sophia's prodding, Lucas couldn't help but think of only one woman who would ever come close to capturing his heart. Amicia. That name was enough to make his heart pound and all sense of logic exit his brain, which was infuriating because that was all he was good at.

Now, being here with her, he felt it to a degree he had couldn't ignore anymore... thanks to a certain meddling ex pirate who had questioned him on the matter. He had pushed these feelings away for a whole decade. She was a lady, brilliant as the sun. He was but a humble alchemist. Though he also wondered if she felt it too. The way she was reacting to him made his heart hammer and questions go off in his head. Did she... care about him like that too? He didn't want to get his hopes up. But hope was blossoming even as he tried to squash it. There's no time for this. We have important work to do. That's why you're here to begin with, Lucas!! He chided himself.

Despite himself, he eventually fell asleep and woke to the morning sun shooting rays through the window. He heard the door opening and closing and knew instantly Amicia was probably already busy with morning chores. Better get up himself.

He cracked open the window and saw Amicia chopping some firewood. Oh, he was a goner. Her hair has grown back more lovelier than ever, and is it tied up in an intricate braid? Look at her form. She's like a warrior goddess. How could she even look at me? I'm done for.

He got up quickly and got ready for the day in just a few minutes.

"Good morning, Amicia!" He called as he came outside.

She looked up and smiled. "Good morning, Lucas! I just chopped up some firewood. Want to help me bring it inside?"

"Of course! I'm at your service!"

They got to work making some breakfast and prepping to go out to see Hugo's grave. They prepped a small lunch to bring up since they planned on eating it with him.

They headed out up the mountain mid morning. It wouldn't take long, but it will still a bit of a trek. Lucas took in the view and breathed in the fresh mountain air.

"Beautiful isn't it?" Amicia asked seeing the look on his face.

He glanced back at her and nodded. "It most certainly is. Makes me wish I could stay for a long time..."

She sighed. "Agreed. I do want to leave some clues here as well though in case the future carrier wants to find Hugo's grave. I want her to know there is hope even if it seems small..."

"Perhaps we can leave some messages on the stones around him?"

She nodded. "Perhaps. Though I do fear the weather may erode the message over time..."

"So an underground option may be better?"

She nodded. "I would like to write our story somewhere as well. And as you find more alchemy answers, leave that in a place they can find too."

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