When in Rome

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Amicia walked through the markets in Rome feeling very much like a stuffed bird. Her stomach felt huge, and she knew the baby could be coming any day now. She had managed to make some pants that she could still move in while basically wearing a short dress over her bump. It was unusual, but it worked for her even with some of the looks she got.

The market was very busy this morning, and the skyline showed new buildings but also remnants of the Old Roman Empire. The Coliseum could be seen in the background reminding Amicia of the coliseum in the Red City. She had to be more careful walking these days on the stone roads as she couldn't even see her own feet now. Looking through herbs and alchemical ingredients, she fingered her sling that was in her bag. She couldn't wear a belt currently for obvious reasons, but the bag had turned out to be rather useful for several reasons. She wore it across her chest to make it more secure.

They had now spent many months in Rome, and Lucas was doing well under his current teachers at the Università degli Studi di Roma. They had agreed that he didn't have much more to learn. They may only be there for a year or two at most. In reality, Amicia believed it was mostly for appearances sake. She knew that Lucas knew more than most alchemists of their day. Of course, that could also be her bias. Magister Notaro, Lucas' favorite teacher in Rome, had been in contact with some of his other teachers at the Université de Paris. Amicia felt a little guilty when it came to Lucas' studies. If it weren't for his desire to solve the problem of the Macula and being with her, he probably could have been a Magister a long time ago... He had already sacrificed so much. He probably could have had a life of ease and wealth if he had just left her family when he had a chance. Yet he stayed with her. Amicia sighed to herself and stroked her belly. She was nervous as hell, but the fact that Lucas stayed by her side through the horrific and the beautiful encouraged her more than he could ever know.

Bianca was now in town to help with the birth. Amicia was honored,  though she didn't know how to thank her. Looking back, she saw her personal guard Sergio trailing from behind. That was one negative to their current predicament Amicia couldn't get used to. Sergio was a bit surly and grumpy, and he didn't seem to care too much for her escapades, but Bianca and Lucas had both insisted on extra protection despite her pleas that should could take care of herself. Lucas had eventually talked her into it because of her current condition.

Her "current condition" kicked her near her belly button, and Amicia smiled. Poking back, baby reacted and pushed back against her finger. "Are you hungry? We may need to get lunch soon."

Suddenly she felt a swift kick to her bladder and now felt she had to pee. "Thank you, little one. Now I have to relieve myself." She groaned.

Unfortunately, she didn't know this area of the city very well. Searching for a public latrine, she turned the corner to a dark alley. Ahead were three figures, and she hid behind a box as she heard angry voices.

"Please, leave me alone!" a young adolescent girl cried as she was hit down to the ground. Her clothing was barely enough to cover her small frame, and she was covered in grime from head to toe.

"Shut it! Your family is dead, and they left a huge debt in its place! We're taking you with us! We can at least make some of the money back if we put you to work in the brothel!" one of the men barked, pulling the small girl by her brown braid.

"No, please! I'll do anything else! Please!" the girl cried, tears streaming down her face grabbing their hands in desperation.

The man threw her off as if she was a filthy dog. "Stop that! No amount of begging will save you now!"

"I can't! Please!"

Amicia jumped into action, placing stupefacio in her sling and throwing it at them, hitting the ground hard enough to make the mixture react. She couldn't kill those horrible men as much as she desired to. She couldn't be a criminal here. The cloud was thick, and the girl was coughing too. Amicia ran as fast as she could with her giant belly, grabbing the girl by the hand and running off. Luckily the girl followed even though she had no idea who she was or what she was doing.

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