A Cold Wind Blows

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Author's NOTE: Some of you may have noticed I've changed the rating to mature! If this causes a problem, I apologize! I just couldn't keep the teen rating with what I want to do with the next three chapters!

Amicia sighed as she stood in the crowd of the Palais de le Cité, watching the magisters argue about different political opinions having to do with academia. The grand hall they stood in was called the Grande'Salle and had two naves, ornate columns lining the middle of the grand hall. Lucas could have perhaps joined the nobility of the Parlement, but he had no desire to partake in politics. He had enough of politics just being a magister. They debated while the Parlement of Paris met in the Grand'Chamber. They awaited the arrival of the King to discuss how the war would influence education and the future of France.

Luckily Gia was watching the two younger children so Amicia could come and meet with potential new members of her order. Gia had become indispensable in their family, and Amicia was so incredibly thankful she had saved her almost ten years ago. Gia was like an older daughter who cared for her children like an older sister would. Amicia was surprised she wasn't married yet. She partly wondered if it was because she didn't want to leave them. Though she hoped she was correct that Gia was seeing someone now. It was time.

Sergio had also stayed as a guard. He often disagreed with Amicia's choices, but he seemed attached to their family despite his aloof attitude. Sergio had saved their lives a few times now and it felt odd when Amicia looked behind her and didn't see him. He was like a shadow that rarely talked, but it was clear by his actions that he loved the family. Even at this moment, he was standing nearby keeping watch. He didn't like Paris and Amicia supposed it was a guard's worst nightmare with threats on all sides.

Lucas stood with the other magisters as they went around and around about the potential war on the horizon. War was not supremely helpful to the universities, but they also had to listen to the people and possibly reclaim what was lost. Amicia noted the looks Lucas received from several of the women in the chamber. He was still as handsome as ever, if not more so with wisdom and age. The small bits of grey speckled in his hair just made him look more distinguished she thought. Though that silly hat still made her laugh a little.

Lucas was highly sought after due to his alchemical knowledge and experiment's detailed notes. He had made more advancements in alchemy in his short ten years as magister than most had done in their entire lifetime. Many magisters also seemed to struggle with their own families given the time they took in their studies, or they didn't have any family at all. Which made Lucas an outlier in many respects. His kindness and thoughtfulness were not common traits found among magisters, and it tended to attract attention from many.

"We must reclaim what is ours! If the kingdom of France is to continue, we need to make sacrifices!" one of the magisters was saying.

"But at what cost?" Moreau interjected, Lucas nodding as he listened. Lucas was one to listen first and speak later.

"We will continue to lose more if we do not fight back!" another magister replied.

"He does have a point." Magister Bellamy, one of their order members, said.

A few people came up to her with important matters of state, so she wasn't able to listen to the entire conversation. Some of them were in the Order of the Protector, but they couldn't speak out in the open. Neither the Order nor the Order of the Protector were sponsored or supported by the state, and what they did, they had to keep secret. Amicia didn't mind though. She'd rather be in charge than trust any of the leadership of France with their shaky peace. It also meant she could make allies with families from neighboring countries and kingdoms. She was quite proud of their carnation sigil too, which now bore the phrase "tuere unum, tuere omnia." Protect one, protect all. Continuing to make important connections was the whole reason she was there to begin with. Even if it saved just one child in the future, this was all worth it.

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