Light My Way Will You?

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Ten Years Later

Amicia made her way much more slowly than she used to up to her mother's laboratory. She cursed age with every step she took. How Lucas managed to make it up here as often as he did with that cane she'd never know. The true passion of an alchemist she thought dryly. She had tried to get on to him about it, but he had just ignored her. It seemed his desire to solve the problem of the Macula was trumping his reason. Amicia tried to reassure him it would be okay if not everything was solved. He had taught so many, and they would carry on his work. It wasn't just up to him alone. However, he seemed duty bound to fight to his very last breath. She sighed. She was worried, especially with his current health... He wasn't doing well.

Reaching the laboratory, she looked sadly at the place where her favorite cat Bun would have positioned himself as sentry outside. She missed her kitty. However, she brightened when she saw one of her descendants named Spark take her place. Another good cat, and it warmed her heart.

Coming inside, she noted several of Lucas' apprentices coming in and out running various errands. But none of them seemed put out or exhausted. He still taught his students well. So well, many stayed even when they could leave to become magisters in their own right. Sebastian had been one of them. Of course, Lucas was not the only person he had stayed for... Having had a wedding within the last year, Amicia grinned at her new grandson in law as he stood next to her husband at one of the alchemical tables. She remembered fondly how Aelia and Sebastian had started off as almost enemies to now lovers. After their discoveries in Fez, Aelia had been inspired to start traveling the world. She had managed to talk Lucas' apprentice into coming with her, and they had bonded a great deal in that time. Of course, Amicia had seen them falling in love a mile away. In fact, there was so much love now they were expecting their first biological great grandchild any day now.

"Ah, Lady Amicia!" Sebastian exclaimed seeing her behind them.

Lucas turned slowly and smiled at her, the genuineness of his love shining in his eyes. "Ah, my Amazon! What brings you here?"

"I'm hardly an Amazon any more. I curse old age!"

Sebastian laughed but walked away, giving them both some space. Lucas smiled, shaking his head. "You are and always will be my Amazon."

Amicia came to take his arm as he stood near the table. "You really should go and rest. This isn't good for you, Alchemist."

"Whatever do you mean? I'm in my element." he smiled wryly.

"When you were young and full of energy! Come now! Let's have dinner."

"I must... solve this..." he muttered, turning back to the table.

"Lucas, please."

"I know we can help the next Carrier over the second threshold and even the third, but what of the fourth and the fifth.... The Macula will keep evolving..." 

She touched his hand gently, and he looked up at her and smiled gratefully. That smile always got her. "It's alright, my Alchemist. You've done more than enough. Come rest, please. You deserve it."

Suddenly a spasm of coughs hit him, and Sebastian ran over and held him as Amicia looked at his face in concern. "This has been happening far too often lately! We must get you back to the house! Please, Lucas."

"I suppose..."

But another coughing spasm hit him hard, and suddenly blood was coming out of his mouth.

"Sebastian, what do we do??" she exclaimed, panic rising in her chest.

"Let's take him to his room for now. I can check him more thoroughly once he's resting."

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