Epilogue: The Legacy of de Rune Family

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January 5th, 2018

Ten year old Amy Lancaster paced outside the New York City hospital room with growing trepidation. There had been a lot of excitement for her new baby brother whose arrival was much looked forward to. But almost as soon as her little brother had been born, the air had changed, and it made Amy nervous. What was wrong?? Why was it so dang quiet?? She pulled at her blonde braid without even thinking as she paced.

"You're going to wear a line in the floor."

She turned to see her best friend of many years Renne Rune watching her with his piercing blue eyes as he pushed back some dark brown hair out of glasses. He always kept it too long and got tangled in his glasses occasionally. Noting his laptop bag, she remembered he didn't go anywhere without it... even the hospital apparently. His normal school uniform was replaced by a hoody and jeans and comfy shoes. The boy cared nothing for current styles. 

"Don't judge! I'm just nervous is all! I heard he was born, and now I haven't heard a word since!"

"Well, pacing back and forth isn't going to change anything..."

"I KNOW that. But it helps me! So shush!"

He sighed as if she were a belligerent child.

"Don't sigh at me! I'm one month your senior!"

Renne rolled his eyes. She always pulled rank with her measly one month. But considering they were almost always neck and neck with everything else at school, this was all she had to hold over him other than her obvious knack for sports and being taller than him. Unfortunately, he always won in math and science. "And here I was thinking I could be of help..."

"Well, you're not so...."

Sighing again, he sat in one of the hallway chairs and took out his laptop as she continued to pace. "Fine, have it your way."

Amy didn't answer as she walked. She didn't want to admit it, but she was thankful he was there. He didn't have to be. How much longer??

Finally her father, Oliver Lancaster, whose eyes matched her very English looking brown ones, came to the door and she hurried over to him. "Dad, what's wrong??"

"You better come in, Amy. You too, Renne"

Renne looked surprised but did as he was asked. He had only come to be moral support for Amy when she had texted him. Amy walked into the room hearing an oxygen machine and seeing nurses gathered around her mother who was holding the bundle she assumed was her baby brother. Her mother spoke to the nurses and they quietly left the room, leaving just their family and Renne within.

Her mother with her matching blonde hair, Elena Lancaster, saw her and smiled reassuringly at her making Amy feel a little better. "Come meet your brother, Amy."

Why did the tone of her mom's voice make her feel so scared all the sudden? Amy approached slowly as her mother beckoned her gently over onto the bed. Amy sat down next to her mother and peered at her baby brother who was sleeping soundly. "Is that him?"

"Yes, this is your brother Wyatt Lancaster, meaning the little warrior."

Amy scrunched up her face. What kind of name was that? But his little face made her smile. "He's so cute!"

"Would you like to hold him?"

Amy nodded enthusiastically. She was handed the small bundle which she clutched as if it were a priceless treasure. Looking down at him, she smiled. Look at his cute little blonde tuft of hair! Oh, his eyes look grey! But I guess they'll turn brown like mine... "Hello, Wyatt. I'm your big sister, Amy. It's nice to..."

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