This is Bigger than Any of Us

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Five Years Later

Thirteen year old Aelia de Rune eagerly awaited the arrival of her grandparents as she sat at a window seat facing the road. It was a beautiful spring day and their families gardens were starting to bloom. She had been looking forward to this trip for ages! Grand-Pere Lucas had promised to take her on an alchemy trip for years now! Aelia was very invested in the mysteries of the Order and the Order of the Protector. She didn't like to claim her grandfather had favorites, but she knew she was his favorite. Her love for alchemy and all things science has endeared him to her at a very young age.

Her little brother Marcel, age nine, walked into the room pouting. "Why do you get to go with Grandma and Grandpa and I don't???"

"Because unlike you, I like alchemy!"

"I like alchemy too!!" he protested.

"If you say so..." Aelia mumbled, turning back to the window. His bored face whenever they talked about alchemy had told her otherwise. "That's them!! They're here!!"

Running out the door, Aelia ran into her grandparents' arms. "You made it!! I've been waiting FOREVER!"

Her grandmother Amicia laughed. "It's only eight in the morning..."

Lucas ruffled Aelia's hair lovingly. "She's excited. I can't blame her! Adventure awaits!"

Aelia's mother Felicite came outside with her bag. "Aelia, please behave on your trip. Are you sure it's okay to take her on such a long trip?"

Her grandmother smiled and ruffled her hair as well. "Of course. There shouldn't be any danger on this trip, and I can't think of anything more adventurous than traveling to another country."

They were on their way to Fez, Morocco the political and economic center of the country. It would be a long trip. A couple months altogether if the winds weren't in their favor. The de Runes had heard whispers of an abandoned old Order temple near Fez. It apparently was very old and not in use anymore. There wasn't much rumblings of goings on, so it should be a fairly safe trip if they just tried to blend in. Still, they were going to have several guards with them even so. They had learned their lesson from previous experiences. Her uncle Jean-Luc had seen personally to their protection and hand picked their retinue.

"Just be careful all of you. Especially you, Mother." Felicite said a little cheekily.

"My fighting days are over, dear one. I promise." Amicia swore hands up. It was true though. Not even a sling was to be seen on her person.

Felicite STILL didn't look convinced but she nodded.

"Besides, we have this fine lad willing to help us out!" Her grandfather replied beckoning for his newest apprentice Sebastian and patting him on the shoulders. The young teenage boy had light brown hair and observant hazel eyes. He looked rather put on the spot and Aelia had to keep herself from giggling.

"An apprentice is your body guard?" Felicite asked eyebrow raised.

"Along with our own personal guard." Her grandmother pointed to the twenty or so well equipped men in their caravan. The men bore de Rune colors of red and blue. Their shields had the newer de Rune crest with the Phoenix in the tree between the sun and moon.

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