United Journey

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They rode for several days, and they only stopped to get some sleep and give the horses some rest. One would be a look out while the other slept. Not the most ideal way to spend their first days as man and wife, but as long as they were together, that was all that mattered.

By the third night, they were fairly positive they had not been followed. Amicia breathed a sigh of relief. They could relax a little.

She was back in her day to day outfit, and she already missed being a princess if only for a day. Even with all the excitement, their wedding day would be a memory she would cherish for a lifetime. The way Lucas had looked at her had made butterflies flutter in her stomach.

"Amicia, I found a cave!"

She turned to see Lucas who had been searching near a mountain for a place to stay the night. It had looked like it might rain, and they didn't feel like getting soaked through again anytime soon.

"Oh good! I caught a rabbit!" She held up dinner.

"Perfect! Let's eat!"

They made a fire right inside the cave to help the smoke not stay too much in the cave and also keep it dry as the rain started to come down. Amicia felt a little bad for the horses, but they had found a decent cover for them for the night.

They were both much more relaxed than they had been, and they ate in companionable silence. Sophia had even packed some spices for them to use which Amicia was thankful for.

"I don't think we need a guard tonight."

Lucas nodded in agreement. "Yes, and the fire is hidden by the cave, trees, and rain, so we should be safe to let it burn a little."

Lucas got up and started making a bed they could both sleep on and Amicia was suddenly very aware that it was just the two of them once again. She wondered if tonight perhaps he would finally show her what it meant to be man and wife.

"Are you tired, Amicia?"

"A little."

"Let's lay down then. We have a ways to go."

They had discussed their next location, which they had agreed should be the island of La Cuna. That was the last place other than Guyenne they remembered there being a lot of macula that may still be untouched. Amicia had told Lucas of the Order's stronghold there but doubted it still stood having been destroyed by the rats the last time they were there. They needed to find a ship soon near the rebuilt Marseille.

She lay down next to him as he placed a blanket lovingly over her. Amicia stroked his face and kissed him sweetly.

"Good night, Amicia." He said closing his eyes as he held her.

She stayed silent for a few minutes waiting to see if his breathing slowed. It did not, and she knew he was still awake.

"Lucas, didn't you have something to teach me?"

His eyes shot open and he bolted upright. "Uh, what?"

It was a bit to dark to see his face clearly, but she could sense he was turning bright red. To be honest, she rather reveled in the ability to fluster her alchemist. Flustering Lucas wasn't easy unless it was a plague of rats... or her apparently.

"Last time we were alone. You said you would teach me what it meant to be together as a man and a woman."

He rubbed the back of his neck. "Well, that's true. But you said you were tired and I... didn't want to demand anything of you."

So he was putting her feelings before his. She knew she loved this man. Taking his hand, she interlaced her fingers with his. "Lucas, my love, you aren't demanding anything of me if I want to do it too."

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