Part 1.3 - The First Murders

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(3rd Person)

That same night, Brayden would be picking some friends up for some kind of activities outside of his basketball practice. Except he already wasn't alone.

"Hey, dude, are you sure we should be out here? It seems dangerous, plus the police may find us out here, if so we could get into a lot of trouble," asked Brayden's accomplice. "So what, I mean, it shouldn't be THAT bad Scott, it's not like they're going to think you murdered someone or something like that, besides, we don't have to wait out here much longer," said Brayden.

Suddenly, a black sedan rolled up in front of Brayden's car in the parking lot, yet he knew them all too well. "Well, well, well, speak the devil's name and he appears, I suppose," he chuckled. "Interesting then, wanna get this done fast?" asked the strange guy as Olivia came out of the car, holding a strange bag. "We have the stuff to bribe the guys, let's do this now," she said.

Not long after, everyone piled into Brayden's car and took off. Several minutes later, the group arrived at a gas station not too far from Bradford, where the shady cashier, dressed in jeans and a clear "bad-boy" jacket, was waiting for them. "Got the stuff yet Brad?" he asked. "Yes, and our supplies in return? Don't want you cheating on us," said Brayden with the bag of substances in his hands.

"Sure, let me just get the box of little "prank stuff", those Frederickson idiots won't know what hit 'em, gotta thank that dumb Phillips kid," chuckled the cashier. Soon enough, their goods were exchanged, and Brayden's group set off for Fredrickson High School to conduct their prank plan.

However, little did they know that something was watching them, and it was moving into another area to conduct its plan on what it had in store for the group.

Minutes later, they rolled into a parking lot outside of a building, where a statue of several people and a tall ferret mascot, and a sign that read "Frederickson High School" on the front of the building. "You guys know what to do, right? Mess everything up out here to get them on the rise for this next season, get out, pretty simple, right?" asked Scott. "Well, not if we don't know what we're going to do pretty boy," said the other guy in the car.

Sure enough, everyone got out and prepared to get their equipment ready, primarily including spray paint, toilet paper, and string cheese. However, Scott was preparing to stay back and only deliver supplies back and forth to the others. "Let's do this guys, time to put our aesthetic skills to work," "You didn't have to say that so loud out here, you know Paul?" asked Olivia. "Let's stop talking and let's get started here!" said Brayden. And with that, they got to work.

10 minutes later.....

The statues were covered in toilet paper and a lot of inappropriately spray painted drawings while the rest of the area was spray painted and covered in many individual sheets of toilet paper. Meanwhile, the troublemaker teens were laughing all the while.

"Ho boy, think this is good enough guys?" chuckled Brayden. "You're almost making me feel sympathy for our enemies here." "No way hosay! I still got 25 minutes worth of clean up time in the car! Man they're gonna be so mad!" laughed Paul.

Just then, police car sirens could be heard in the distance, and the teens all knew they had to go. "SHIT! START THE CAR UP SCOTT!!" Yelled Brayden as he, Olivia, and Paul all gathered as much stuff as they could before hauling ass to get into their vehicle. "Crap! It's not starting up!" shouted Scott. "COME ON!! WERE RUNNING OUT OF TIME HERE!" shouted Paul as the police car could be seen entering the school parking lot. But moments later, the car finally cranked up. "OK, LETS GO!" Said Scott as he and the others drive out of the area as fast as they could.

Shortly after, they were on the road, with the police car on their tail. "Gonna need some back up! I've got them in my sight!" yelled Raymond into his radio. "We gotta lose him somehow!" Shouted Brayden. "I don't know! This car isn't very fast!" said Scott. Just then, the former had an idea. With little hesitation, he grabbed the wheel and jerked it, causing the car to crash through the railing on the side of the wood and fall down into the forest, smashing into a tree at the bottom not long after.

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