Part 2.3 - To The Barn

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Savannah and I decided to get started on our barn investigation on the 23rd, and we brought along Alexander, Thomas, and Kevin to help us. The spirits of the children better talk to us or else we're left with nothing.

We set off the following early morning in the jeep owned by Josh's father, hoping to be back before any alarms were raised by any of our parents. After following Scott's directions, and some difficulties of Kevin handing an off-road vehicle for the first time ever, we made it to where we only had a mile or so to walk.

Thankfully, it didn't take long to get there, and god was it creepy, enough so Kevin wanted to stay on lookout. Something tells me he was just a scaredy-cat. Anyways, we headed inside with flashlights, having planned to try looking around for something, only to be hit with the god awful stench of death once we opens the door. Hell, I'm surprised we hadn't smelt it before. We shone the light on the back wall and saw several bloodied masks of smiling animals. I still have the image to this day.

Then I heard the whispers, yet it seemed as though it was only I that could hear them. They directed me towards the center and to close my eyes, and the others soon shouted out for the spirits to give me a sign. Once I sat down, all I saw was some kind of mist acting as an illusion before my eyes that soon took the form of two rabbits. And then I asked them questions.

"We want to help you. Who is it that you need us to....end?"

They answered with a riddle.

"He who is overbearing. The one who keeps things in check. The one who you may think is a failure, is also the one who has us in chains. Who is he?"

One sounded like a boy while the other was a girl. But regarding the question, right away we had a few options, but I could tell the others after I finished asking everything I needed to.

"Can you help us stop these killings?"

"That is something you must try to stop on your own. But I must warn you, with every kill, HE becomes stronger as well as the continually growing army."

Oh great, as though a couple of them at once weren't hard enough. This "HE" also sounds like big business too. Better not be a demon, though that's unlikely given this spiritual events going on.

"Are you able to tell us who's next?"

"He who was afraid to ask out. He who felt neglected by half of those he knows. He who wanted everything to go back to how it was. Who is he?"

Another riddle, but this time it was easy, since there was only one individual who fit this description.

"What are-were your names?"

The two spirits didn't answer and instead began to morph and glow. Eventually, it died down, and there in their places were two young and scared African American children, one boy and one girl.



It was unsettling for me to look the the children-Toby and Sophie looking so scared. I tried to reach out for them, and they did the same with tears in their eyes. But just then, something seemed to pull them back, seeming to be an invisible force. Both kids screamed as they were pulled into the darkness.

But then, everything went black.


Thank goodness she woke up, but she didn't expect to find us in jail.

On our end, she went unconscious and we tried waking her up when the whole barn began falling apart. We just barely got her body out of there before it collapsed. Afterwards, we raced back so she could safely tell us what happened, well, at least we tried, before we got intercepted by Sheriff Morgan. He got angry at us for what we were doing, especially Thomas, which makes sense because he's his only son.

Too bad for us that we failed to come up with a good enough excuse for us coming out of the woods carrying a girl's unconscious body. Morgan then detained us and took us to jail while he called our parents. Thank goodness for Carly since that's when she woke up, and so we had time for her to explain what happened.

She said that the kid's names had been Toby and Sophie who warned her that they were likely in control of something orchestrating the "army." Apparently, they also said that the one who was working with who they were controlled by was described as overbearing, a failure, one who has them in chains. Finally, according to all Carly knew about Bradford in her short time and those she knew of, she deduced Chris would be the next target.

We soon heard Thomas silently crying in the corner, and so we figured it was his father that they were talking about. Which...made sense since Thomas often called him a rather overbearing dad, and the townspeople were fed up with their lack of success in capturing the killers.

We tried to keep him calm and ok, but a few moments later, Raymond came knocking, and he soon took Thomas away from us. From there, we took the time to brainstorm how to get past our parents, who we were confident would never trust us again, and warn Chris before the "spiritual costumed killers" would come for him. At this point, everyone's gotta think we're crazy.


Sadly, we didn't have time to come up with a great plan, as our parents came by some time later and got us out of there. As expected, Jefferey was the opposite of understanding and happy, well, he was ok by the fact we were all alright, but that's about all the happy he was.

That night, he grounded us for a month and said he'd supervise us at all times. Though I went up to my room and tried to reach out to the spirits again, but, nothing. I wished I could see and reach out to Chris in the hopes he could get out of harm's way. But he could be dead now for all I know, it's all up to the others now.

But if anything, Morgan's got some explaining to do if we were right about him earlier, but I hope he didn't do anything bad to Thomas.

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