Part 2.4; Part 2 Finale - Saving Chris

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I normally slept soundly until 6:45 where I'd get up and prepare for school. Except this was the weekend, where I usually slept in until 8:00. But on this night, I wasn't sure if something was off in my mind, or it was the breaking of the window downstairs. I ran over to Savannah's room to wake her, but she was already up and about and frantic trying to call someone for help. She told me to quickly get Kevin, and I did without hesitation.

Somehow he was still asleep, don't ask me how, but I managed to get him up, despite him trying to tell me to leave him alone since it was 4 or so in the morning. I told him there was an intruder in the house and thank god he eventually listened to me, or well, after he heard the noises of footsteps coming up the stairs that didn't sound like Jefferey. The two of us quickly hid where we suddenly heard a scream from the other room.


I wanted to go help her so badly, but Kevin said no saying I'd be dead as well. The intruder then came right along to our door and it slowly creaked open. I knew there wasn't a chance they wouldn't notice us eventually, so I prayed. I was never really a religious person of any sorts, but today was different. Every day after this would be different if we got out of here.

Just then I shuffled too loudly and the intruder, who looked like one of the rabbits, came right for the closet. All of a sudden, however, a gunshot to the rabbit intruder's back seemingly caused it to stumble forward in pain and fall over. What surprised us even more was that it was Jefferey that shot the rabbit!

Unfortunately, it looked like the rabbit was barely phased and it got right back up ready to attack our uncle, even with its weapon being knocked out of its hand. Regardless, in a moment where it feels like I truly saw my uncle, Jefferey tackled the rabbit and wrestled with it as it made awful shrieking sounds while thrashing around. Eventually, Jefferey managed to grab the knife it held in its hand and stab it right in the chest, where it then fell over onto the floor.

I couldn't believe it, one of those things had finally been brought down! Afterwards, Jefferey looked towards the closet we were in and opened it up, revealing me and Kevin. "Oh thank god you two are ok," he said, "C'mon, we gotta go and get out of here so the police should be here when we get outside." We quickly got up and hurried out of there, where we heard shouts from someone else who had entered our home. Kevin and I almost thought this was another of those things, only for us to realize who it was when they said, "come on out it's the police." Sheriff Morgan.

However, we obviously already figured out something was likely up with him. But either way, we needed help for Savannah if she was somehow still ok. Kevin and I got out of the room and I went to Savannah's room, only to get grabbed by the neck by the human-like white rabbit that towered at least two feet over me. All I could do was kick and scream.

Jefferey and Kevin both tried to come help, but Morgan just stood there. "You're not going anywhere," he said as he swiftly pulled out a pistol and pulled the trigger.


God damn it, I got a call from Savannah so freaking early. Though from what I heard it was serious.

"Hello...Alex are you there? Sorry, I couldn't risk calling the cops because of what we figured out. Listen...I'm pretty sure they're here, you need to go get we said...he's the the next target. Oh, OH HELL, STAY AWAY FROM ME, NO, NO, AHH-"

So from there, I had to get out of the house and I knew my parents would kill me, but this was serious plus it sounded like something bad had happened at Carly's place. So I knew I had to do this, for the sake of a kid who was already depressed not even realizing he was the next target of a supernatural murderer.

Normally my memory can be pretty shitty but by some change of luck, I remembered Chris' grandmother's address. I wasn't able to take the truck, due to not being able to find the keys quick enough and due to not wanting to attract too much attention, so I was forced to run several miles at 4:20 in the morning so I wasn't too late. By another absolute stroke of luck, I eventually arrived at the place and they hadn't even attempted to break in it seemed.

I figured I had a short window so I moved quickly and broke in through the front window, god that's something I better not get used to if we make it out of this in the long-term. Unfortunately, I never quite figured out a plan to pull this off though luckily I didn't have to. Why you may ask? Because while going through the living room a few minutes after I got inside, a baseball bat got swung into my gut and god it hurt. I looked up and saw it was Chris who I saw was panicked and confused, which made sense since I was sure he recognized me.

"What the hell are you doing here Alex?" he asked. "Trying to warn and save you!" I said. "From what?" he asked. Just then, we heard a window break and we both ducked down. Looks like I wasn't that early. "That," I whispered. "Crap, what are we gonna do," Chris whispered. "I need a minute to think!" I whispered. "We don't have a minute!" he said.

Just then, I got an idea. I was pretty sure it wouldn't work since there likely would be more than two of those things here but it was worth a shot. "Quick, I gotta get to the hot water, try to distract them and not die for a moment alright?" I said. "Ok, it's on the very left, be quick!" said Chris.

We both sprouted up at the same time whilst Chris waved around and tres to get their attention, I quickly grabbed a cup and filled it up with water that looked to be steamy. I looked back at the intruders, which were the rabbits. "Suppose you're the favorites! Damn you're really freaky now that I see you!" I said. "Dude! I can't distract them much longer without getting stabbed!" said Chris. "Oh, right! Sorry! Anyways, take this!" I said as I threw the cup of boiling water at the white rabbit that was the closer to Chris.

It seemed to hiss and stumble back in pain, which I took to sucker punch it in the face before taking the knife from it and doubling back around on the brown rabbit. Just then, Chris swung at the rabbit with a cookbook and joined in, allowing us to get the upper hand on it before throwing the intruder down on the floor. "Ok good, now let's go-AHHCK!" Chris shouted, catching me off guard. I was surprised to see the white rabbit now also had razor sharp claws that dig into Chris' gut. I quickly kicked them off of him before we bolted out of the front door as fast as we could.

When outside, I waved down the nearby car, where Micheal and Scott, whom I called before I got out of the house, were located. Micheal pulled up closer, who was freaked out about Chris' injury, before we hopped in and drove off.

"Holy hell man! I can't do this! Look, he's hurt!" said Micheal. "I know! But there's something incredibly wrong going on! I don't care whether or not you believe in the supernatural, because it kinda is, and dead kids and another murderer are out to get us all!" I yelled. "What the hell are you talking about!?" he asked. I didn't have the energy or the time to put up a fight with him. We just had to quickly get out of Bradford, as more of them could be waiting to strike us down at home at any point.

Luckily, it didn't take long to get to the road that separated us from the outskirts of Bradford. Unfortunately, there was a problem. We noticed a lot of red-eyed sheep in the road, blocking our path out of town. "Shit, uh...just drive through them!" I yelled. I could tell Micheal was through with the crap I was saying, and thank goodness the sheep were scary looking or otherwise he wouldn't have listened. He soon hit the gas and barreled through the crowd of red-eyed sheep. They tried their best to resist, only for many to be shoved aside and for some to get run over. Afterwards, we celebrated for making it it of Bradford.

"So, where are we gonna go now?" asked Scott. "I don't know about that, but, I can only hope it's not where they should be able to get to us." I said.

One thing was for sure, we had to come back with a plan of some sorts, and we also needed to help Chris, who was bleeding bad for him getting stabbed in the torso.

"Ok, can y'all finally explain in-depth what the hell's happening!?"

Blood Farm

Season 2 Finale

Final Season Coming Soon

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