Part 3.2 - The Night It All Happens and Ends

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(3rd Person)

The atmosphere on one house in Bradford in particular was bone-chilling. The mother was worried about her son, Brayden, as he bound into the house at 7 in the night, bleeding from a stab wound. But it was too crazy, the explanation, for why he had in the first place. The mother had tried to call the ambulance, but her phone wasn't working. She quickly tried to run down to find her husband, but he'd been away at his new job. She and her son were nearly helpless, and he hadn't returned even with that piece of crap she called her step-son, so she had to try to help him herself.

However, it was soon 9 PM. By then, the two heard glass break and a large figure entering the home. The mother was horrified, seeing the thing with sharp claws and blood-red eyes. But upon closer inspection, she saw it was cat-like and smiling. It ran up to her son as the mother ran away, hearing her sons cries and the stabs that went into his body. The mother tried to hide, but the thing was far too fast for her, and it stabbed her right through the chest.

The mother sat there, in a pool of her own blood as the cat looked over her, a demonic voice spoken to her in her final moments on earth.

"You did this to yourself when you abandoned me and wished to screw over those that loved me...see you in hell."


God I hope this'll work, it's now about 7:45 now that we've gotten back into Bradford, and we immediately headed for Josh's place. I saw Austin outside and immediately ran inside and tried to find Josh, he luckily came down, but so did his parents.

They went to call the police to report us despite our best efforts to stop them. We then decided screw it and tried to run out with Josh, only for his dad to pile on us, seems like he's only somewhat retired from his days as a wrestler.

From there, a police car pulled up to the house and I thought we were doomed as officer Raymond came in and took me away. As we were on our way, he asked me what the hell I was doing while out of town. I tried to be honest with him, but he partially seemed like I was just adding an excuse to the book.

Just then, we were stopped by a sidewalk where there was another police car on Raymond's side. I had a horrible feeling about it, which was only amplified as the door was opened and the guy hit Raymond on the head with something before throwing him out of the car. "Well, well, well, looks like you weren't careful enough," the figure said as he looked back at me through the rear-view mirror.

Sheriff Morgan.

"What are you gonna do with me, asshole? I know it's almost time for your plan, but the kids aren't going anywhere due to your killers being around. I hope you realize," I said. "I know, that's why I prepared for this by having them go out earlier this month and allowing for this to happen. Don't worry about your friends, you'll see them again," said Morgan.

He drove us back around, and I didn't know where he was taking me, considering the barn was destroyed. However, after another 10 minutes of driving, we pulled up next to two tall and familiar bloodied humanoid rabbits, both glaring demonically at me. They dragged me out of the car and brought me down through the woods, putting me in a clearing before a disturbing sight.

There was seven people, two of them I recognized as Carly and Kevin, placed on large pentagrams painted in red in a circle with one painted largest and in a circle across the ground, and in the back was the rest of the bloodied and unnatural animals that had once been the townspeople of Bradford. What was more was an eighth pentagram in between Carly and Kevin, and I knew Morgan intended it for me the bastard.

I had begun to accept defeat as I was put down and strapped to the ground, but I just couldn't, not like this, who knows what Morgan could potentially unleash upon the world, just to not see what the afterlife held. I tried to talk with Carly, to see if there was any voices left within her mind that told us we had a chance to stop this, but nothing.

Morgan went up and stood in the large middle pentagram and began to chant something I couldn't speak even with several months of even a year of learning such cursed language. I looked up and the sky swirled in clouds and soon started to glow a dark red.

But before anything could happen, we heard beeps from our sides, and the tone in Morgan's voice got angrier. We looked over and there were two trucks driving towards us, Scott and Josh each leaned out the window and fired the guns we had made and collected at the angry demonic horde of humanoid blood-covered animals. Many of them were mowed down, whilst some had taken bullets and many had shrugged them off.

However, there was a loud roar in the sky that attracted everyone's attention. There, a dark void had opened up, and there came two large glowing red eyes, a demon from the pits of hell I could only imagine. It reached down its massive red hand, gravitating a beam slowly towards the pentagrams where the other people lay as they begged for mercy. As the beams touched one by one, they began to scream in agony as something was torn from them and their bodies lay limp.

It was only a matter of time before they got to us, and I held my hand to Carly's the closest that I could until I shut my eyes, but it never came, instead I saw a white flash peek into the corner of my eye. The beams had stopped and the giant hand was gritting with pain in the presence of the lights.

"Father! You've gone too far! This has to be stopped!" yelled a voice. It was Thomas. I looked over and saw his face filled with both tears and anger as two floating white lights came behind him. I couldn't have imagined how he'd gotten through all of the chaos, but the animals had been distracted, giving them the lucky shot they needed. Morgan simply looked down and said nothing, simply staring at him with nothing but utter disbelief.

Thomas walked closer to his dad, who started belting out at him like there was no tomorrow. "DON'T YOU KNOW WHAT I AM DOING FOR YOU!? YOU SUFFER UNDER THE SAME THING AS ME! THERE'S NO TURNING BACK FOR ME NOW! IF YOU WON'T ACCEPT THIS, FINE!" he yelled. However, the beams from the demon's hand would soon gravitate towards Morgan, as he stared in horror.

Right as this happened, I realized that Carly and Kevin had gotten up thanks to Scott, and they got me up as well, but I almost couldn't move as I was frozen in shock from watching the scene between Thomas and Morgan unfold, forcing the others to get me out of the way. Except it was too late when we realized what Thomas was going to do.

"You want to avoid hell? Fine. Don't you do it by sacrificing others instead next time," said Thomas. Before any of us could say or do anything more, Thomas ran up and pushed his dad out of the way of the beam, taking his place. He convulsed in pain as whatever was being sucked out of him, which I could only now assume was his soul, before he finally fell to the ground.

Morgan and the rest of us lay in shock at the scene. The souls of those taken had been sucked up and soon the demon's hand rose back up through the portal and wherever he came from. But before the portal closed, we saw a multitude of bright balls of light pour down from the darkness, they were so intense I found myself on the verge of passing out.

They soon floated down to the bloody anthropomorphic animals that were frozen in place. Then the light that burst from the contact was so intense, I thought it would've blinded me, instead I stepped back and tripped over something which knocked me out cold.

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