Part 2.2 - The Framed Survivor

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I've been trying my best to explain to the others about my dream, but it seems like they're losing faith in our idea, even Kevin and Savannah a little. To be honest, they, alongside Alexander and Thomas, are the only ones who still have a bit of confidence in this thing we started a week ago. We'll try and see if we can find the barn and talk with these spirits to see what they want.

I'm not kidding, that is our plan.


(3rd Person)

"Cindy, wake up!"

A young girl, Cindy, woke up on her bus in a fright to notice every other kid was panicking at something pulling the driver out of the window. What was more was something banging on the door trying to get inside. Several kids went for the emergency exits, and managed to unlock them miraculously and get to escape, with Cindy being one of the children bout the back of the bus.

The young girl ran as fast as she could off the un-paved road and into the forest, but not before hearing the screams of her classmates and looking behind to see what looked like costumed animals demonically laughing.

After what felt like hours, Cindy stumbled into a small old shack that existed on the outskirts of Bradford, not even taking the time to realize someone had been living there for some time. Eventually though, after catching her breath, she saw that someone on a makeshift bed, a teenager with scrappy clothes and rather malnourished and dehydrated.

Minutes later though, he woke up, supposed to see Cindy there. "Whoa, who the hell are you?" he asked. "I- I'm Cindy Dalton, what about you?" the young girl said, trying to be brave. "Scott," he said, pausing before continuing. "I won't hurt you, but those things will, how's you get in here?"

"I was on my school bus napping before we were attacked by some people in animal costumes, I ran here and now I wanna go home," said Cindy as she began to sob. "Hey, it's alright, I've been too scared to go out there, and I'm not even sure I can, and what's worse is that the town may even be affected in the two weeks or something I've been missing," explained Scott. "No, everyone knows you have something to do with it," said Cindy. "Well crap, of course they do, who else could be a suspect!?" asked a frustrated Scott.

"Well, maybe we go for it now and then make it to my house around noon, it's not far from here, and you could hide out in our basement," said Cindy. "Alright fine, we'll do it, anything to be out of this damn shed and away from those things!" said Scott as he shook hands with the little girl.



"God damn it, a whole school bus now!?"

"Yes ma'am, we're trying our best to find the few who weren't counted as dead earlier this morning, and will this be all for today?"

"Yes, have a nice day. And be careful."

I turned and prepared to head out of the store, only to be cut off by a guy who I recognized as Brayden Truman. "Hello missy, where would you happen to be off too?" he asked. "Just home, where else?" I asked. But then he grabbed my side and pulled me over to a corner of the grocery store.

"I know there's something up with your sister and you, and you're telling me what, or you'll be dead meat," he said. "What? That you think I'm one of these killers trying to murder every last civilian in this town?" I asked. Brayden looked at me with cold dead eyes. "I may have to turn you into the police if you aren't careful, I can't let you get too close to danger if you plan to try and find out where these murderers live, like a barn that's tied to an urban legend from the 19th century."

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