Part 2.1 - Less Answers than Questions

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October 15th, ever since we had been trying to figure things out ourselves with our supernatural superstitions, we hadn't run into any luck. Most of the town is searching for Scott Murphy, some believe he's been kidnapped, while others think he's involved in the killings, as implied by Brayden, who was apparently with him on the night Paul and Olivia were killed. I've also seen him during my decreased amount of basketball practices, and I can't help but feel something's up with him. Either way, Scott's still missing, and the town is starting to fall apart over that alone.

However, as for us, all that's happened is that Carly asked Josh to help her research some on anything that may give us clues, but she's been on her own most of the time because Josh is so focused on his family life and schoolwork, and hey, I don't blame him. But that doesn't mean Carly hasn't found some kind of success in her findings, as she thinks there may be some people who know of when the foster son was around, who's name was Henry Carlton, according to a book in the library.

She wanted me to come with her to help interview a woman in her 70s living in Bradford, Barbara Reeves. Although, the younger kids in this town aren't fond of her very much because of how unwelcoming and quiet she feels. I don't see why not as long as we can get on her good side. Carly's planning to do it this Saturday around noon, I just hope Barbara will be around and compliant to do it with us.


(3rd Person)

"You know, I'm starting to think the reason less people are wanting to come to this event are these killings that happened," said Danny. "You think now!?" asked Teresa as she got into their small van. "Well yeah, you never know what could happen that decreases popularity," said Danny. "Oh come on, soon enough, people won't be coming to this Halloween event at all!" growled Teresa. "So what!? You think I can magically wish for this or these killers to go away, do you think so?" asked Danny.

But before the two could continue arguing....


A loud thump from something threw the van forward even on its parking break, and sending the two young adults inside flying into the wheel, had it not been for their seat belts.

"Holy crap! What was that!?" asked Teresa. "I don't know, I don't think anyone else's out here," said Danny. "You got the gun? It could be them," said Teresa. "Yeah, I say we go out together and check the area," said Danny.

Soon enough, the two got out of their van through their respective sides, incredibly weary and vigilante of their surroundings, despite seeing nothing but other cars in the road. "You see anything Danny?" asked Teresa. But there was no reply. "Damn it this isn't funny!" she said. By now, she was starting to get more scared than ever for what was going to jump around any corner.

Just then, something else slammed into their van, and Teresa turned around this time and saw a large man, but with a bloodied pig mask, just like the rabbits she had heard about. And in his hands was the bloodied and beaten Danny. His eyes alone screamed for someone to help him, as his jaw had been nearly completely ripped off. The pig masked brute then threw him back on the ground, all while Teresa backed away in terror. And before she knew it, he had a large sledgehammer in hand, and in mere seconds, he sent it into Danny, and by now, she knew he was gone.

Moments later, Teresa turned around and began running away as fast as she could, all while screaming for help to save her from her brutish attacker as it gave chase. But right as she rounded a corner, a knife was thrown into her side. She tripped over and screamed in pain and horror as the second attacker came upon her.

All she could make out was the brown furry arms and legs of the figure pulling the knife out and using it to strike her in the head, where everything went black.

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