Part 3.3 - The End and Future

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By the time I saw Alexander wake up, I couldn't wait to tell him what he missed out on when he tripped and got knocked unconscious from the lights AKA souls of the dead.

After the bright flash, those of us that were up and awake looked around to see practically everyone that was a part of the animal army back in their own bodies. Kevin and I went forward, finding Savannah, Cody, and Trixie among the crowd. But as I embraced her, I heard something from nearby, a young child's voice whispering in my head.

"Thanks for what you tried to do, you and your friends made this happen."

I looked around, only to see two small rabbits at my feet, one brown and the other white. I couldn't believe I had almost forgotten the names of the two kids.

"So you're Toby and Sophie?" I asked. Both rabbits nodded and I smiled. "You're welcome, but they did all the dangerous work, you should thank them," I said. "Indeed, but this wouldn't have been possible without you or your sister, and whilst your uncle and some others weren't so lucky in coming back, we promise you a long life and a good fate in wherever you end up," said the white rabbit, who spoke with a young girl's voice.

With that, the two turned back into lights with wings and floated away, and I couldn't help but wipe the tears in my eyes.


So one month has passed, and a lot has happened since Morgan's attempted ritual. We caught him and he'll be out to trial for a sentence, everyone who's been revived has found out what he did. When he dies and ends up in whatever cruel place he deserves, I hope Thomas will ignore him.

However, I don't quite mean that, since a few weeks after the ritual, I went outside one night to look up at the stars, but then tall humanoid beings of light descended and they held Thomas in their palm, letting him down in front of me. They looked at me and nodded in pride, and I thanked them for bringing back my friend, whom I greeted immediately with a warm welcome, even though he was naked, which I am embarrassed to say took me at least 10 seconds after the beings of lights gave him back to realize.

Outside of that, everything's gone back to normal. We've been hailed as heroes, with me being the only one who's done it for the second time now between all of us, Scott's name has been cleared, we're back to school, my parents finally got proud of me for having a good reason to sneak out of the house, and we've held a memorial for those that didn't get revived, though I didn't attend for the funeral of Brayden or his mom, as Chris said they could "kiss his ass."

As for Carly, they've stayed in their house and have the neighbors helping them out. I've even met her outside of school, and while the guys somewhat make fun of me for liking a freshman, I can't help it, and I doubt she can either, all I don't doubt is that the future will be better than it was during these dark times.

3rd Person - 20 Years Later...

Alexander and Carly, now in their thirties, had almost never left Bradford outside of college, and even then they stayed together and grew their relationship into more than boyfriend and girlfriend, but even father and mother of a boy named Carson and two twin sisters named Alexa and Alexis.

They even stayed in touch with their friends, even including Scott and Micheal, planning a meet up at a new diner, in celebration of a new chapter of their lives and their accomplishments as people.

Alexander and Carly each smiled as they talked with their friends and older sister respectively as their kids sat amongst the dozen or so other kids of the others, happy to live the happy and mostly peaceful life they now led together after the big event that had brought them together in the first place.

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